I'm trying to get ossec (1.5.1) installed on SUSE Enterprise 10 running on 
s390x (64-bit) architecture.  The installation seems to work correctly and 
the program will start, but successful communication with the server does 
not occur.  ossec-agentd simply repeats the following lines: 

2008/07/08 08:50:29 ossec-agentd(1211): ERROR: Error creating encrypted 
2008/07/08 08:50:35 ossec-agentd(2211): ERROR: Error compressing string: 
'751a7b2411e930edc38fa864e6063fa8015890000000000:0005:#!-agent startup '.

Google leads me to previous messages on this list: 

The proposed solution in that two-year-old thread has apparently been 
applied to the mainline source, and yet I am still experiencing the 
problem.  Any thoughts?


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