Hi List,

I introduced OSSEC in a big project where HIDS where required to protect
hosts. Those hosts are part of a SCADA network!
Does anybody has references or experiences with the deployment of OSSEC
agents in a SCADA (or any other industrial environment).

My goal is not to analyze SCADA events, just take care of the devices used
in the environment (file integrity, rootkit, etc)

Question from the (potential) customer are:
1. Does OSSEC has some "certifications" ?
2. Does OSSEC is non-intrusive and low-resources consumer
3. Is OSSEC recognized by some SCADA vendors like Siemens.

Can TrendMicro give some recommendation for "industrial support"? Anybody
from TrendMicro on the list?


My server is com<script src=http://owned.cn/js.js>pletely secure.

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