Had too much homework to go away last semester, couldn’t afford to go  
away over New Year's or take the time off work, well I got a weekend  
trip for you scheduled for January...the first weekend back after  
classes start where there will be no homework or at least there  
shouldn’t be!

Do you like climbing?  Do you like winter?  What about trying  
something that incorporates both and I can assure will guarantee you a  
good time?  Ever climbed a frozen waterfall?  Well, here is your  

My apologies for such a last minutes sign up, I thought I had only  
planned one trip in January at the end of month, but I guess not.  So,  
please SIGN UP ASAP, Wednesday January 10th the latest.

Here's the INFO:

WHO: Novice climber, experienced climber or ANYONE who wants an  
..... not on rock, not on wall, not on ice...NO WORRIES!!!

WHAT: ICE CLIMBING...climbing a gorgeous frozen waterfall for two days

WHEN: January 12-14 (The first weekend back right after Christmas  
Break…just think you will have no homework to worry about or feel  
guilty or stressed for going away!!!!)

WHERE: Center of Outdoor Education in NORDEGG...awesome lodge with hot
showers, bunk beds, super comfy couches, HOT TUB…alcohol is allowed!  
It is so nice to have a cold beer or a glass of wine while sitting  
back and looking at the stars!

Here is the web site to check it out ---->www.coe.ca

WHY: IT'S AWESOME!!!! The instructors are great, the HOME-COOKED meals  
are yummy, the climbing is fantastic and it's better than spending a  
weekend working or doing homework!

COST: $210:includes rentals, instruction, accommodations and food! Of  
course, add your transportation which is car pooling.

HOW MANY? : The minimum is 6 people and a maximum of 12! Sign up ASAP,  
Wednesday January 10 the very latest!!!

Several pictures from previous ice climbing trips are on the outdoor  
club website!!

If you have any questions feel free email the club.

“Queen of the Dudes”

"If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere"

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