Hi Eliot,

For the moment the caret is placed directly after the start of the inserted element.

Indeed, if the element has required content it would make sense to put the caret in the first child instead of the inserted parent. We did not implement this from the start because we considered there were cases in which a user would not appreciate this. For example in Docbook4 inserting an "itemizedlist" automatically inserts a "listitem" but the caret is before the "listitem" and you can insert tags there before starting to insert in the listitem.
Any idea on how to handle the caret positioning in a generic way?
Maybe we could add an option to activate this "smart caret positioning".


Radu Coravu <oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

Eliot Kimber wrote:
Editing a generic DITA topic, if I insert a "ul" element in Author with the no tags or partial tags view, an li element is inserted automatically but the cursor is positioned before the li element, not inside it, which is where I would expect (and want) it to be.

Is this a function of the doctype-specific configuration or general behavior of the editor?



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