Hi everyone,
The ABC communities forum are running a segment on health called 'an apple a day' in response to beattie's plug for health care reform and what govts can do about it - in particular our overstretched hospital system....
The link is cited below and is a great opportunity to discuss the unnecassary overuse of obstetric beds which top the nations 'highest number of beds used " at around 250,000 per year.
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An apple a day

Queensland Premier Peter Beattie has reignited the debate about the country's ailing health system by calling for a broader debate on the future of the the health system.

He says people should take better care of their health to reduce pressure on public hospitals.

After criticism about waiting lists to see specialists, the Premier says the system faces even more pressure from an ageing and increasingly unhealthy population.

"Too much smoking, obesity, ageing of the population are all putting huge pressures on our system," he said.

The Premier enlisted the help of his wife and nurse, Dr Heather Beattie, to reinforce the message.

"We have to accept that the health dollar, in the end, has to be limited," she said.

She also says in the end people have to take some responsibility for their health.

What measures can people take to relieve pressure on the health system?

Are people doing enough to look after themselves?

What more can governments do to turn around the country's ailing health system?

Are the issues Mr Beattie refers to confined to Queensland or can they be applied to the whole country?

Have your say.

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