Hi all, take a look at the program for "Australian Women Speak" at
Of course there are lots of worthy wonderful - "achieving" women speaking about all sorts of grand careers etc but the olny slight acknowledgement of motherhood is Claudia Keech - (from Motherinc) talking about mothers and work.
Where are the REAL practising mothers and women who supprt these mothers - or do they not count?? Are they not important enough. What about the status of ALL women - birthing women -most mothers (ie except adoptive mothers) , mothers with babies/ young children?  What about the womens' work of mothering?? Not just balancing "real" (ie paid) work.
I am a bit hot under the collar here -I just discovered this conference - its happening on the31 March and 1st April so I doubt there is any chance to alter things. But perhaps i will email AManda Vanstone -I believe mothering and birthing ARE political issues - as Sheila says -(cant remember the exact quote) the way a society treats its birthing women is a reflection of that culture.

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