I may not have anything to really add to this discussion but I am a Doula in Townsville, (Honey & I Work together) I am 7mths pg & planning a VBAC. So far most of my clients have actually been 2nd time parents who felt that something had been lacking in their care the first time. It was the one to one care. As Honey said we dont have that here. YET! We are working on it. Half of my clients have been VBAC, they say they see me as someone that they know really understands their desires, from personal experience & hours of listening. For myself I had my hubby, sister, mother & girlfriend at the birth of my daughter (an induced posterior c/s) none of them knew anything about the birthing culture or what the implications of decisions were. I believe that had I had someone in the room who both knew what was happening & who was there for me things would have been different, maybe not the outcome but how I felt about it. We have some wonderful midwives up here who do the very best they can in the situation they are currently in but they cant drop around on the Saturday afternoon when your 8 days overdue & say "how are you feeling?". I can & my clients appreciate this.
I think we all have an important role & if we cant work together then we are probably in the wrong field. After all it is not even about us. I only wish I could have a midwife of my own.  But no-one up here is doing it. The only continuity a woman can get up here is us. I think that is really sad. It is no-one fault but together with the dedicated midwives at our public hospital & other consumers we will make a difference. I am so pleased that this article is being written. We all have so much to offer.
Like I said I haven't really added anything but just wanted to show my support for midwives, doula's & most importantly women's choices.
Philippa Scott
Birth Buddies

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