January 2005 · Vol. 54, No. 1

Isolated oligohydramnios at term: Is induction indicated?
Lawrence Leeman, MD, MPH
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM

David Almond, MD, MS
Community Health Clinic Ole, Napa, Calif

Practice recommendations

Isolated term oligohydramnios, as defined by an amniotic fluid index (AFI)
of less than 5 cm, has not been shown to be associated with poor maternal or
fetal outcomes. Management may be individualized based on factors such as
parity, cervical ripeness, and patient preference (SOR: B).

Maternal hydration with oral water has been shown to increase AFI in a few
hours, likely due to improved uteroplacental perfusion. This is a reasonable
alternative to immediate labor induction in women with isolated term
oligohydramnios (SOR: B).

An isolated finding of a so-called “border-line” AFI (5–8 cm) is not an
indication for labor induction (SOR: B).


Family physicians providing maternity care often face a scenario in which an
otherwise low-risk, term patient is incidentally noted to have a low
amniotic fluid index (AFI). Common reasons for obtaining an AFI in a woman
with a low-risk pregnancy include evaluation of decreased fetal movement,
spontaneous variable decelerations during monitoring to evaluate for labor,
or an ultrasound evaluation for fundal height measurements discordant with
gestational age. How should “isolated” oligohydramnios—an AFI <5 cm—be
interpreted, and should immediate induction be recommended for such

Oligohydramnios occurs in about 1% to 5% of pregnancies at term.1,2 Because
adverse outcomes occur in high-risk pregnancies complicated by low amniotic
fluid volume, oligohydramnios commonly prompts labor induction.1,3,4 At one
university center, oligohydramnios is now the leading indication for labor
induction.5 Many centers may even induce labor when the AFI is between 5 cm
and 8 cm, the so-called borderline AFI.3

Labor induction increases the use of cesarean delivery, particularly for the
primiparous woman with an unripe cervix.6 Recent studies questioning the
safety of labor induction in women who have had a cesarean may increase the
number of elective repeat cesarean procedures when delivery is believed
indicated for oligohydramnios.7 (See Underlying causes of oligohydramnios.)

Underlying causes of oligohydramnios

By the second trimester, amniotic fluid is being produced primarily through
fetal urine production and is primarily resorbed through fetal swallowing.
Significant amounts of amniotic fluid are also produced and resorbed by the
fetal lung and directly resorbed from the amniotic cavity by the
placenta.8,9 Amniotic fluid volume is affected by the status of maternal
hydration and maternal plasma osmolality.10-13

Acute oligohydramnios may occur from ruptured membranes, usually diagnosed
by clinical signs and vaginal fluid with altered pH and a ferning pattern on
microscopic exam.

Chronic oligohydramnios arises from prerenal, renal, and postrenal causes.
The latter 2 groups reflect fetal kidney and urogenital abnormalities, which
directly decrease fetal amniotic fluid production. Uteroplacental
insufficiency is the most common cause of prerenal oligohydramnios, and the
decreased amniotic fluid is a direct result of decreased fetal renal
perfusion.14 Uteroplacental insufficiency may result in intrauterine growth
restriction as the fetus shunts blood away from the growing torso and limbs
and to vital organs such as the brain. Preeclampsia and postdate pregnancies
both involve pathologic changes in the placenta that may result in
uteroplacental insufficiency and oligohydramnios.


  Oligohydramnios is difficult to assess
True oligohydramnios can be difficult to confirm due to the questionable
accuracy of amniotic fluid measurement by ultrasound. There is controversy,
for example, about whether (and how) to include pockets of amniotic fluid
containing umbilical cord.15 The AFI was introduced in 19872 to replace the
2 cm “pocket technique” of fluid assessment, and studies continue to
question to what extent the AFI reflects actual amniotic fluid volume.

AFI measurements may vary with the amount of pressure applied to the abdomen
and with fetal position or movement.16

Serial measurements taken by the same ultrasound operator have been shown to
differ from the true volume by 1 cm, or 10.8%; serial measurements taken by
multiple operators have differed by as much as 2 cm, or 15.4%.17,18

O’Reilly-Green compared the diagnosis of oligohydramnios in 449 post-term
patients with actual amniotic fluid volume measured at rupture of
membranes.19 They found a positive predictive value of 50% for
oligohydramnios at an AFI of 5 cm as the lower limit of normal. A study of
144 third trimester patients using the dye-dilution technique found that, to
achieve 95% confidence for ruling out oligohydramnios, a cutoff AFI of 30 cm
would need to be used, a value consistent with polyhydramnios.20

  What is the association between oligohydramnios and poor fetal outcomes?
A number of studies over the past 15 years have shown an association between
oligohydramnios and poor fetal outcomes. These were predominantly
retrospective studies, which failed to control for the presence of factors
known to be associated with oligohydramnios such as intrauterine growth
restriction (IUGR) and urogenital malformations.

No studies have directly addressed whether labor induction improves
outcomes. A meta-analysis of 18 studies examining outcomes of pregnancies
with AFI <5 cm found an increased risk of cesarean delivery for fetal
distress and low Apgar scores at 5 minutes. Most of these studies, however,
had high-risk patients including IUGR (level of evidence [LOE]: 2).21

A recent study of high-risk patients failed to detect a difference in the
incidence of nonreactive nonstress tests, meconium-stained amniotic fluid
cesarean delivery for fetal distress, low Apgar scores, or infants with a
cord pH of <7.10 when oligohydramnios (AFI <5.0 cm) was present (LOE: 1).2
The patients with oligohydramnios were all induced, while many of the other
high-risk patients were expectantly managed. The study therefore provides no
guidance on the safety of expectant management for patients with
oligohydramnios. To eliminate the potential effect of induction versus
expectant management the same authors performed a case-control study of 79
high-risk women with AFI <5 cm matched to 79 women with the same high-risk
pregnancy complication who had an AFI >5 cm at the time of induction (LOE:
2).23 They failed to detect any significant differences in neonatal outcomes
between the groups.

Studies of the “borderline” AFI (between 5 cm and 8 cm) may also demonstrate
an association with adverse neonatal outcomes if researchers include fetuses
with IUGR or malformations. In one retrospective case review of 214 women
with AFI of 5 cm to 10 cm, the only statistically significant finding was an
association with IUGR.3 The authors recommended antepartum surveillance
twice a week for mothers with borderline AFI, but they did not comment on
induction (LOE: 2). Correspondence regarding this study argued that this
recommendation was not supported by the evidence and would lead to
unnecessary antenatal testing.24

Studies of isolated oligohydramnios
Investigators have conducted studies (Table 1) excluding fetuses with
intrauterine growth restriction or anomalies to try to determine if isolated
oligohydramnios is associated with poorer outcomes.25-30

Rainford’s study of outcomes in exclusively term, low-risk patients failed
to show significant outcome differences in Apgar scores, NICU admissions, or
rates of cesarean delivery for non-reassuring fetal heart rate monitoring
(LOE: 2).29 This study was limited due to its retrospective design. The
authors comment that the relatively good outcomes in the oligohydramnios
group may be due to the widespread practice of inducing such patients.

In a case-control study by Conway, 183 low-risk, term parturients with
oligohydramnios were matched to 183 women of similar gestational age and
parity who presented in spontaneous labor. The patients with isolated
oligohydramnios were induced and showed an increased cesarean delivery rate.
The increased rate of cesarean delivery was not due to nonreassuring fetal
surveillance and was attributed to the induction process (LOE: 2).25

An analysis of woman diagnosed with isolated oligohydramnios (AFI <5) at any
gestational age in the multicenter prospective RADIUS trial demonstrated
similar perinatal outcomes and fetal growth compared with pregnancies with a
normal amniotic fluid (LOE: 2).30

The only randomized clinical trial of labor induction vs expectant
management for term isolated oligohydramnios showed similar outcomes in each
group. But this study was small (n=61) and has only been published as an

Isolated oligohydramnios and perinatal outcomes
 Study Design Study number n vs controls Patient-oriented outcomes Comment
Population Significant findings Non-significant findings 
Garmel19 Prospective cohort N=187 Increased preterm birth (OR=3.23; 95% CI,
1.4–7.3) in oligohydramnios group IUGR, asphyxia, death, NICU admit Delivery
recommended at 37 weeks 2 
17–37 week with subnormal EFW (>10%) 65 AFI <8 cm vs 122 AFI >8 cm 
Conway18 Prospective cohort N=366 Increased CS rate (OR=2.7 95% CI, 1.3–5.4)
in oligohydramnios group CS for fetal distress; all neonatal outcomes
Treatment group induced, controls spontaneous 2 
Term, isolated oligohydramnios undergoing induction 183 AFI <5 cm vs 183 AFI
>5 cm 
Roberts21 Prospective cohort N=206 Increased IUGR (OR=5.2; 95% CI, 1.6–22),
induction (OR=34.4, 95% CI, 4–1425.5), NICU admit (OR=9.8; 95% CI, 1.3–432)
Fetal distress requiring CS Used >5%ile to exclude IUGR. Included some
high-risk pts (diabetes or hypertension) 2 
3rd trimester, isolated oligohydramnios 103 AFI 3%ile (N=103) vs matched
Rainford22 Retrospective cohort N=232 Induction rate for AFI <5 = 98% vs 51%
AFI >5 P<.001; increased meconium staining in controls without
oligohydramnios NICU 2 admissions, 5-minute Apgar scores   2 
37–41 week, low-risk. AFI within 4 days of delivery AFI <5 (n=44) vs >5
Zhang23 Retrospective nested cohort N=6657 Malpresentation (RR=3.5, 95% CI
1.8–6.60) Fetal growth, CS, low Apgar, overall neonatal morbidity Benefit of
routine ultrasound was the primary study outcome study endpoint 2 
Term or near-term, low-risk AFI <5 (n=86) vs >5 (n=6571) 
AFI, amniotic fluid index; CI, confidence interval; CS, cesarean section;
EFW, estimated fetal weight; IUGR, intrauterine growth restriction; LOE,
level of evidence; NICU, neonatal intensive care unit; OR, odds ratio; RR,
relative risk. 

Effect of maternal hydration
Maternal hydration status and plasma osmolality have an affect on amniotic
fluid volume (Table 2). Maternal hydration with oral water or intravenous
hypotonic solutions has been shown to increase amniotic fluid volume.8,11-13
Oral hydration with hypotonic fluid has been demonstrated to increase fetal
urine production in one observational study.32 Another observational study
demonstrated increased amniotic fluid volume and uteroplacental perfusion
without alteration of fetal urine production suggesting the possibility that
transmembranous fluid shifts from the placenta to the amniotic cavity may be

Two small, randomized controlled trials (RCTs) demonstrated an increase in
amniotic fluid volume in women with oligohydramnios after oral
hydration.11,13 Doi demonstrated significant increases in AFI in women with
oligohydramnios beyond 35 weeks when given oral hydration with free water
(increase of 3.8 cm ± 1.9; P<. 001) or hypotonic intravenous solution
(increase of 2.8 cm ± 1.9; P<.001) (LOE: 3).11 Interestingly, this study did
not demonstrate an increase in amniotic fluid volume with intravenous
hydration with isotonic fluid.

Kirkpatrick demonstrated a 30% increase in amniotic fluid compared with
controls in women of unspecified gestational age with oligohydramnios given
2 liters of oral water 2 to 5 hours before repeat amniotic fluid index (LOE:

A randomized trial in women with normal amniotic fluid demonstrated a 16%
increase in amniotic fluid index 4 to 6 hours after hydration with 2 liters
of oral water, compared with an 8% decrease after fluid restriction during
the same period.8

A recent study of daily oral hydration in women with amniotic fluid volume
<10% percentile showed increased amniotic fluid volume at 1 week, suggesting
long-term benefit, although the study lacked an appropriate control group
(LOE: 3).33

There are no studies of clinical outcomes such as fetal heart rate
decelerations during labor, or neonatal outcomes. A Cochrane systematic
review concluded that maternal hydration appears to increase amniotic fluid
and may be beneficial in management of oligohydramnios; however, it
recommended controlled trials to assess clinical outcome benefits (LOE:

Effect of hydration on amniotic fluid index
 Study Design Population Intervention Outcome Comment LOE 
Kilpatrick32 RCT N=40, AFI 2.1–6.0; population of patients referred for
antenatal testing Treatment group drank 2 L water and repeat AFI same or
next day Increase of 1.5 ± 1.4 cm (P<.01) in treatment group Gestational
ages of subjects not stated 3 
Kilpatrick37 RCT N=40, AFI 7–24 cm, gestational 28 weeks Treatment group
instructed to drink 2 L and restricted group 0.1 L water. AFI repeated in
4–6 h  Increase of 3.0 ± 2.4 cm (P<.0001) in treatment group; decrease of
1.5 ± 2.7cm in controls (P <.02) Subjects had normal AFI at entry 3 
Flack36 Prospective cohort N=20, 10 w/AFI <5 cm, 10 controls AFI >7, 3rd
trimester 2 L oral water over 2 h for treatment and control groups, repeat
AFI at 2 h Increase in 3.2 cm in AFI (95% CI, 1.1–5.3) in oligohydramnios
group but not in normal AFI group Improved uterine perfusion shown by
increased uterine artery velocity only in oligohydramnios group 3 
Doi35 RCT N=84, AFI <5, at least 35 wks; randomized three maternal hydration
methods (2 L oral water, hypotonic saline IV, or isotonic saline IV)
Hydration with 2 L fluid and AFI repeated in 1 h compared with controls
Significant increases in AFI in oral water and hypotonic IV groups by 3.8 cm
and 2.8 cm (P<.001) respectively IV isotonic solutions did not increase
amniotic fluid volume in study population 3 
RCT, randomized controlled trial; AFI, amniotic fluid index; CI, confidence

  Management recommendations
The AFI has low specificity and positive predictive value for
oligohydramnios, and there is scant evidence that isolated term
oligohydramnios causes adverse fetal outcomes. We recommend that an AFI
under 5 cm should prompt additional antenatal testing rather than immediate
induction in low-risk term pregnancies (SOR: B).

Though we acknowledge the lack of high-quality studies with patient-oriented
outcomes to support observation and maternal hydration, we have developed a
management strategy that does not require immediate induction of labor in
women with uncomplicated term pregnancies.

The following recommendations apply to women having oligohydramnios as
defined by amniotic fluid volume of less than 5 cm and gestational age
between 37 and 41 weeks.

Initial assessment

Assess for premature rupture of membranes with a thorough history and a
sterile speculum exam

Reassess dating as oligohydramnios in post-dates pregnancy (>41 weeks) is an
indication for induction (SOR: C)35

Perform a nonstress test to assess fetal wellbeing

Assess for IUGR with an ultrasound for estimated fetal weight and for the
ratio of head circumference (HC) to abdominal circumference (AC). A
comparison with prior ultrasounds can aid in assessing interval growth. An
estimated fetal weight below the 10%, an elevated HC/AC ratio, or poor
interval growth would suggest IUGR

Arrange for an ultrasound anatomic survey for fetal anomalies, if not done

Determine if preeclampsia, chronic hypertension, diabetes, or other maternal
conditions associated with uteroplacental insufficiency are present.

Action steps
With any positive findings in the initial evaluation, proceed to labor
induction, as the patient does not have isolated, term oligohydramnios (SOR:
C). If the initial assessment is unremarkable and the AFI is less than 5,
consider hydration with oral water and repeating the AFI 2 to 6 hours later
(SOR: B).

Persistent oligohydramnios at term, particularly with a ripe cervix, may
lead you to consider labor induction. Continued expectant management of
isolated term oligohydramnios with twice weekly fetal surveillance may also
be a reasonable option due to the paucity of evidence that oligohydramnios
is associated with an adverse outcome in this scenario (SOR: C). Normal
results with umbilical artery Doppler flow studies have been used to
decrease the need for induction in high-risk pregnancies with
oligohydramnios, and this technique may eventually have a role in isolated
term oligohydramnios.36

It is essential that patients receive counseling and give informed consent
regarding the risks and benefits of observation or induction for isolated
term oligohydramnios. The ease of induction based on parity and cervical
ripeness should be considered.

A primiparous woman with an unfavorable cervix who strongly desires a
spontaneous, vaginal birth could be told that, although there may be a small
risk for her baby, no study has demonstrated any increased long-term
morbidity or mortality associated with low fluid in her situation and that
labor induction may double her chance of cesarean delivery.37,38 In such a
situation, an acceptable approach for mother and clinician may be
rehydration followed by a repeat AFI and close follow-up with testing for
fetal well-being according to the algorithm (Figure). In a practical sense,
rehydration with 2 liters of oral water for oligohydramnios may be done
whether or not immediate induction is chosen, as this is a safe measure that
has been shown to significantly increase AFI. Alternatively, the preferred
approach for a multiparous woman with a ripe cervix by Bishop score may be
labor induction.

As adverse fetal outcomes have not been demonstrated in women with isolated
term oligohydramnios, there is no rationale for routinely inducing labor
based on an isolated finding of a so called “borderline” amniotic fluid
index in the 5-to-8 range. In this situation it is appropriate to perform
the initial assessment described above and may be reasonable to repeat the
amniotic fluid index in 3 to 4 days to determine if true oligohydramnios has


Assessment of the pregnant woman with oligohydramnios at term



We appreciate the assistance of George Gilson MD, Lauren Plante MD, and
William Rayburn MD in manuscript review.


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Corresponding author: Lawrence Leeman, MD, MPH, University of New Mexico
Depts of Family and Community Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2400
Tucker NE, 3rd floor, Albuquerque, NM 87131. E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Journal of Family Practice ©2005 Dowden Health Media


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