Yes,sleeping at work  is actually a sackable offence.
Staff have been dismissed for sleeping when inappropriate (ie not in their meal break).
I too have done nights off & on for years, you just work out your own rhythm & what suits your body & family best. Beware of eating too many meals in 24 hours, sometimes you eat just to keep warm & awake, not good for the weight ! Take a jersey,even if busy you get cold coming home & on a break (if you get one).
I too am a 'jump into bed ASAP after shower person' & sleep solidly from 0800hrs until 1130hrs.
Then I sleep again from 1900 until 2100, work starts at 2130.
Works for me !
Lovely births at night, nice & peaceful, no phones or traffic through the wards, no interference & seems somehow more natural.
The downside is that you can get out of touch with what's current in your unit if you are on extended terms of nights unless you make a concerted effort to attend in-services & keep up with new developments.
Good luck.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 10:40 AM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Re: N/A

Barbara writes:  “I get very upset with staff putting their heads on desks/pillows sleeping.  You have to keep alert; you are being paid to work.” Not only that, but you could be reported to the Nurses Board for sleeping on the job.  It is a patient safety issue. The other person on shift should not be left alone to supervise all those sleeping or needy people. MM

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