Dear Tania, David, Justine and all on list.....
another perspective to consider....
The SA 'spokesperson' title referred to in the article - is a pretty strong indication that it was a staffer and not a senator or minister who made the comment. And you can well imagine the turn over of staff for parliamentarians. So the feedback the spokeswoman gave may have in fact been true ! She may not have had a clue...
It simply shows the advertiser did not do their job properly - that is they did not attempt or were not able to get a senator or minister's comment, nor did they cite the spokeswoman's name.  Who knows ... it may have been a state pollie who gave the comment and not federal !!! (given it was written by the advertiser)....
Having said all of that, since the federal there have been a few changes of ministers and senators (the latter if newly elected are not sworn in or become effective as senators until july 2005, at present referred to as senator-elect)
- hence the constant demand on our lead activists to be truly supported in their roles of : informing all parliamentarians (state & federal) in the campaign for obtaining PI  for all midwives and the option of one-to-one midwifery care for all women (where the woman chooses her place of birth and is fully funded for the same).
the aspect you have picked up on Tania is in my view great timing.
we can never underestimate the importance of keeping the campaign strong - supporting the women who are constantly campaigning on the hill, at macquarie st, spring st (wherever), often also breastfeeding, driving several hundred kms to get there and back again, with a child or two in tow.  And having their lives turned upside down to support all of us.
The truth is - we all need to take an active role in contacting all parliamentarians and eg: letting Barb (ACMI), Justine (MC) or state ACMI presidents or state MC presidents kept informed.    That is : it is a constant job that needs a lot of energy and commitment.
Thanks to all the women who on a national, state or local community scale .....continue to actively seek reclamation of our birth rites and services.

Have a wonderful day full of nourishment and appreciations, today March 8th International Women's Day .......
Kind Regards
Sally-Anne Brown
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 9:31 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Homebirth risk article in today's SA Advertiser....

Oh goodness, I didn't take your comment as disrespect! Not at all. I've simply had it up to here with the Commonwealth Government claiming it "know's nothing" when Justine Caines and all the other MCers and College people have worn the carpet down at Parliament House telling them of the problem. Good on you for writing a letter. You can probably copy it to Tony Abbott!



David Vernon
Birthright — Having a Great Birth in Australia
GPO Box 2314

On 07/03/2005, at 5:45 PM, Tania Smallwood wrote:

I meant no disrespect to Barb, Justine or anyone connected with the hardworking team trying to get this sorted out, amonst other things,  I know that this is not true, it's just amazing to me that they can get away with denying any knowledge of it...
Have written a letter to the Ed, we'll see..
----- Original Message -----
From: Stringybark
To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
Sent:Monday, March 07, 2005 5:59 PM
Subject:Re: [ozmidwifery] Homebirth risk article in today's SA Advertiser....

Well that is what is known as a 'mistruth'! As a husband of an ex-MC President and an active College of Midwives Lobbyist I can say that Barb has been up on the Hill (Canberra speak for Parliament House) bending the ears of many politicians (including Ministers) about the Australia wide indemnity insurance crisis while I have been minding the kids. And she has done this for years...

I think the comment reflects the standard of the Minister's Office Staff more than perhaps the Ministers (but then again perhaps not!).

David Vernon
Birthright — Having a Great Birth in Australia
GPO Box 2314

On 07/03/2005, at 5:18 PM, Tania Smallwood wrote:

Check out the last line....Just wondering how this could be...a Federal politician has no idea that midwives are working without insurance in SA???????  What the???
Mothers demand end to home birth risk
By Medical Writer LISA ALLISON

WOMEN in South Australia are having home births without insurance cover because independent midwives still cannot get liability insurance coverage.

While SA hospitals offer a range of birthing services, women who want to give birth at home risk being without insurance if something goes wrong.

The Maternity Coalition, a national group of mothers formed to lobby governments for more maternity services, has called for government-backed indemnity support for midwives.

National president Justine Caines said it was wrong that the Federal Government had put funding into indemnity for GPs and obstetricians but not midwives. "We think it is outrageous midwives have not been given the same professional respect," she said.

There were 17,446 births in South Australia in 2003 and 47 homebirths here in 2002.


A survey byThe Advertiserof hospitals in SA has found birthing service options include:

SHAREDcare between midwives and doctors (both provide care during pregnancy)

LENGTHof stay in hospital varied from a few hours to seven days after a caesarean birth

POSTnatal care had improved and included midwife visits and help with home chores

ALLhospitals welcomed fathers

Independent midwife Wendy Thornton, who attends between 30 and 40 births a year, works without indemnity insurance and knows of other midwives doing the same.

She says her decision is about offering choice. "If (indemnity insurance) was accessible and affordable, I would get it," she said.

Doctors and midwives working in the hospital system are covered by the Government.

Judy Crowe, 36 of Dawesley, gave birth to one-week-old daughter Ella, assisted by Ms Thornton. Her first child, Samuel, 2, also was born at home with Ms Thornton. "I researched home birthing thoroughly and I did not want to go to a labour ward because of the high levels of intervention in hospital," Mrs Crowe, a registered nurse, said. Ms Thornton's lack of insurance did not worry her.

Australian Nursing Federation state secretary Lee Thomas said: "Many different organisations, including the union, have attempted in many different ways to get insurance for midwives."

A Federal Government spokeswoman said it was not aware independent midwives were working without indemnity in SA.


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