Dear Jane,you wrote: . I have just attended a nursing careers day in Perth today. Lots of interest in midwifery from students but some horror stories from nurses trying to survive in the public health system. I began to wonder if we should be encouraging them to join such a system but who will take over from us if we don't.
Every generation has its own motivation and ideas and MUST be given the chance to forge their own pathway. My GreatGrandmother/Mother/Aunt etc had their own problems to deal with as Midwives but they would not have wanted me to abandon Midwifery just because I find some aspects difficult.  We all think that for us it will be different and indeed it is.  YES! encourage the young to enter the system and in doing so, change it.  Today was a great day at the Nursing/Midwifery Careers Expo.  So many young, fresh minds and so many old friends (with wise minds) to greet.  I met past clients who are studying Nursing and/or Midwifey, a woman (nearly finished her Nursing Educ.) and her daughter  who I helped her birth 14yrs ago, future clients who are planning a pregnancy when their careers/private lives allow it  .   So much hope and aspirations.  We must move forward and not impede the progress of the new midwives who are there to follow us.  Regards, Mary Murphy -----

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