[ozmidwifery] article FYI

2006-03-14 Thread leanne wynne
Pregnancy and dysmenorrhea Issue 06: 13 Mar 2006 Source: International Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics 2006; 92: 221-7 Researchers have shed new light on the impact of pregnancy on the severity of primary dysmenorrhea. Specialists from centers in Taipei and Kin-Man, in Taiwan, conducted an

[ozmidwifery] wise words.

2006-03-14 Thread Mary Murphy
Jan Tritten from Midwifery Today has said many times before that we who know about gentle birth are fewprobably about 1% of the world's population. If that is true, we each need to teach and convince 100 people that pregnancy and birth can be different from the mainstream destruction we

[ozmidwifery] Quote of the week

2006-03-14 Thread Mary Murphy
. By strengthening women we strengthen our children and therefore our communities. Julie Brill