
This is a copy of an email sent by Meryl Dorey of the Australian Vaccination Network.
Obviously relevant to all midwives and students.
Very scary stuff...


Action needed urgently!

We currently have two issues which will need your action – both of them important – both of them more than timely. The first one has been touched on in the last issue of Doing the Rounds. It is the fact that every single state and territory in Australia has instituted policies which require students studying in the health professions to be doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, etc, to be fully vaccinated before commencing or completing their practical work. Without these vaccines (and the list of ‘required’ shots is extremely long with some of these poor souls receiving 8 vaccines at one time!), they will have to cease their education and or lose out on placings in hospital.
In NSW, this new regulation is called Policy Directive 2005_338 and it states that, “Compliance with this policy directive is mandatory”. It basically says that starting this year, in 2006, all health students who are affiliated with the hospital system or with NSW Health, will be required to be vaccinated against Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping Cough (Pertussis), Hep A and Hep B, Chicken Pox (Varicella), Measles, Mumps and Rubella and Influenza.
Starting next year, this requirement will be extended to include everyone – doctors, nurses, orderlies, office staff – even those who work for laundries that are contracted by the hospital!
This is supposedly for the protection of patients though, if the various health departments across the country were truly concerned with patients’ health, they would require any staff member receiving a live virus vaccine (eg MMR (measles mumps and rubella), OPV (oral polio), Varicella (chicken pox) and Hep A to stay home for 90 days because they are carrying these viruses around and communicating them to those they are in contact with for up to that long a period of time.
There are two ways to get out of this requirement. One is to have a valid medical exemption either because you have had a serious reaction (eg anaphylactic shock) after a dose of a certain vaccine in which case you will only be exempted from that particular vaccine) or to have a blood test showing you have high levels of antibodies to any of the diseases listed above.
We have been contacted by several people who have had these vaccines with serious ill effects including being diagnosed with cancer shortly afterwards. We have also been in contact with people who have lost their placement due to their refusal to be vaccinated.
This is a situation which we must not stand for! No matter your opinion on vaccination, every thinking person must agree that all medical procedures carry with them certain risks and it is unethical (and illegal under our current constitution) to require anyone to submit to medical procedure against their will.
Today it is the health professionals of Australia – tomorrow, it will be our children and ourselves if we allow this to happen.
Where do you come in? There are three things we need here.
1 – We need lawyers who are willing to take cases against the health departments of every state. We currently have a barrister in NSW who is investigating the best way to approach this issue. Read more about this in point 3 below. He will definitely need lawyers to assist him as this could end up being a huge and precedent-setting case so if you are a lawyer or know of one who is on side and does some public-advocacy work, please get in contact with me.
2- Are you a health professional? Are you a health student? Do you know someone who is? Chances are you do and chances are that either you (as the health professional or student) or they are unaware of these new rules. Please spread the word. Make copies of this part of the newslettersand distribute it to hospitals in your area or forward it by email to friends, family and other interested parties and ask them to do the same. Send to doctor’s surgeries and to schools that have a medical faculty. Make everyone aware of what is being done – I don’t believe that even the most pro-vaccination medico will be happy about being forced to be vaccinated or about vaccinating anyone without their express consent.
We will also need financial support to keep this initiative going. If you know of people who should be members – give them one of the attached membership forms and ask them to join the AVN and subscribe to Informed Voice. Tell them why it is so important. Also, please consider giving us a donation of $26 – if every member donates this amount, a pittance when you think of it in the grand scheme of things – we will be able to achieve our goals as stated in past issues of Doing the Rounds.
3- We need lobbyists in each state and territory. Currently, it looks like the only way in which we can fight this issue is by first going through the Anti-Discrimination Tribunals which may sound like a good thing but…here is the kicker. The current Anti-Discrimination legislation in Australia says that you can’t be discriminated against on the basis of race, religion, skin colour, sex or disability. Nowhere is it stated that you can’t be discriminated against because of your health choices. Therefore, the only way we can get the ball rolling is to take a case on the basis of discrimination – stating that unvaccinated people may at some point in the future be disabled due to a so-called vaccine-preventable disease and therefore, they should not be discriminated against.
You know this is not true – and I know this is not true. And it is not a good barrow to push in a community which already thinks of those of us who don’t vaccinate as ignorant and disease carrying lepers.
We need to lobby for changes to the Anti-Discrimination legislation so that the right to choose our own form of healthcare is enshrined in law. If we get these changes, I can envision some very positive possible ripple effects happening such as the following:

  1. Perhaps the right to choose our own healthcare will extend to Medicare. After all, you and I pay quite a bit to keep Medicare going and for people like myself who rarely if ever use mainstream medical facilities, we would be better served by having complementary treatments covered under this national insurance policy.
  2. Doing away once and for all with the need to register as a conscientious objector before getting the childcare payments or maternity payments from the government. If it is stated clearly in law that we have the right to choose not to vaccinate, then it would be illegal to require us to file these forms.
  3. Obliterating the medical witch-hunts that occur when parents of children who have been diagnosed with cancers and other serious illnesses choose complementary treatments. This practise has caused more heartache and pain then you can possibly imagine!

This is just the beginning. If you are a lobbyist, have experience with lobbying or know someone who you feel could help, we need to hear from you NOW! Call Meryl on 02 6687 1699 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED].



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