Hello friends/colleagues/students/teachers,
I've been watching this conversation with great interest. We as human beings are in the most amazing time of evolution. Midwifery is, as an intensely human activity (some would say the most primal of them all) is clearly undergoing heroic transformation.
We are all being called forth to relate in new ways, from a base of personal power that enables us to hold diversity and look with wisdom at what there is to learn from everything.  There are many great thinkers exploring what it means to be human at this time of extraordinary change and how we can best move forward to a future which brings out the best in each one of us.
for example, (this is from the webpage)....
"Spiral Dynamics™ reveals the hidden complexity codes that shape human nature, create global diversities, and drive evolutionary change.These dynamic Spiral forces attract and repel individuals, form the webs and meshes that connect people within groups, communities and organizations, and forge the rise and fall of nations and cultures".
The person who articulated the concept of Spiral Dynamics, Don Beck, has this to say.....

"ItÂ’s not that we need to form new organizations. It's simply that we have to awaken to new ways of thinking. I believe it makes no sense to spend a lot of time attacking the current realities. It is time to create the new models that have in them the complexity that makes the older systems obsolete. And to the extent that we can do that, and do that quickly, I think we can provide what will be necessary for a major breakthrough for the future."

here is the website, so you can explore further:


It is good if each of us listens with great respect to each person's perspective. We need everyone's voice. It is good to listen from the position of detached observer. If it conflicts with us or how we believe things should be, all the better! That means something is being triggered within us, some neural net profile is being twanged. That is how we can learn the most. It is out of conflict that new order comes (second law of thermodynamics).  The rips and the tides create the incredible beauty of the shoreline.

We need the passion, the uppityness, the fearless belief in women and their processes and their right to choose their path.

When there is dissent, we need to get excited, not leave! That is when things are changing  and we need to make sure it is for the better. Remember that how we take things is about us. Sure, people seem polite or rude or whatever at times, but perception is in the eye of the beholder.  It is our own neural networks and our own sensory faculties which are picking up the messages that are around us. And it is like those garage sales you see every weekend 'one man's (sic) trash is another man's (sic) treasure!'

One last comment.  I would encourage EVERYONE to get hold of the DVD "The Secret".  "The Secret" is probably the best thing I have seen which explains Universal principles and quantum physics and how the brain/body works in a practical way.  Just excellent.  Our future depends upon people using these principles in an intelligent, conscious way.

Go to: www.nibbana.com.au to find out more.

Bring it on!

Pax,  Carolyn (Hastie)



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