I followed this
created a base VHD with Windows 7 with my configuration (e.g. taskbar at the
left, google as my homepage, etc) and common tools (e.g. Tortoise, GIT,
FileZilla, Skype, Live, VS08) and then everytime I need another OS, I just
create a new VHD based on that one, boot in 1 minute and start installing
the new software. It's awesome and I didn't noticed a performance hit.
If you plan to do it, use that post a step by step guide.

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 10:18 AM, Greg Keogh <g...@mira.net> wrote:

>   /Greg don't take offense, I just find it interesting enough to comment.
> My lawyers will contact you. I’m suing your for deformation.
> Greg
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Miguel A. Madero Reyes
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