---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Orsan <orsan1...@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Apr 7, 2018 at 1:22 PM
Subject: [Networked-Labour] Fwd: [marxandphil-list] CfA EEEE Cognition
Theory and Marxism - PG Conference at the University of Edinburgh
To: networked-labour_igop...@lists.igopnet.cc

The core of theEEEE cognition theory is merely a reconfirmation and
rediscovery of the same ideas developed by Alexander Bogdanov over a
century ago in three books: Empriomonism, Philosophy of Living Experience,
and Tektology. And the below event that aims to connect EEEE theory of mind
and cognition theory to Marxism, does so almost in an identical way as it
was done by Bogdanov; by locating labour and conscious labour activity and
collective social consciousness (extended cognition) at the center of the
integrity between energy-matter and information; relationship between
material and mental reality, or  monism of matter and mind.

Begin forwarded message:

*From:* Tom Bunyard <tombuny...@gmail.com>
*Date:* 6 April 2018 at 10:50:25 GMT+2
*To:* marxandphil-list <marxandphil-l...@googlegroups.com>
*Subject:* *[marxandphil-list] CfA EEEE Cognition Theory and Marxism - PG
Conference at the University of Edinburgh*


It is our great pleasure to announce the launch of the *CfA* for our
conference, which will investigate the *interconnections between the
Embodied, Enactive, Embedded and Extended Theory of Mind in the Philosophy
of Cognitive Science, and Marx's critical philosophy and social theory*.

Conference *Title*:  *The Division of Labour and the Development of the
Self*: What can ‘EEEE’ Cognition Theories Tell Us About the Capitalist
Paradigm of Development?

Conference *Dates*: *July 14th - 15th 2018*

Abstracts Submission* Deadline: May 20th 2018*

*Location*: Room G.07, Informatics Forum, The University of Edinburgh


Dave Ward (University of Edinburgh)

Miranda Anderson (University of Edinburgh) *tbc*

Ross Abbinnett (University of Birmingham) *tbc*

Anselm Jappe (University of Sassari) *tbc*

*CALL for Abstracts *

*This conference aims to discuss the interconnections between the ‘EEEE’
theories of cognition, and Marx’s theory of historical materialism and the
labour-value dialectic. We will ask whether putting the two to dialogue
can help us critically interrogate the present model of social development,
with respect to the fundamental role played in it by the division of
labour. *

*Key to the embodied, enacted, embedded and extended theories of mind in
the Philosophy of Cognition, is the idea that thinking and mental
representation can be explained only on account of the strict
interdependence of the brain and the social and natural environment. The
perceptual and sensory-motor systems both store and elaborate upon
information about the latter, defining our possibilities for understanding
and action to such an extent, that some have suggested we should talk of
‘skillful intentionality’. The more we discover about the mechanisms
intermingling world, body and thought the more the ‘aboutness’ of
intentionality, or the why of mental states, dispositions, values and
intentions, seems the collapse into this action-oriented dialectic.    Marx
centred his philosophy on the critique of the separation of mind and body
that was posited by the Kantian and Hegelian traditions, as much as by
Smith’s and Ricardo’s political economic theories; both of which were
foundational to the construction of democratic institutions in the West.
Key to most of his writings is the analysis of the role of labour as an
instrument to the reproduction of the capitalist economic model, a
component part of the system of social domination that the latter
generates. Marx tried to distinguish between a positive notion of labour,
capable of unifying, through action, body and mind; and a negative notion
of labour, ‘labour in capitalism’: a labour to which capitalism negated the
search for meaning through purposeful social interaction. Such negative
alienation, which transfers the rationality and meaning of work outside of
our immediate activity and forces labour to seek its self-fulfillment in
the unstable realm of social status, is for Marx the consequence of the
capitalist division of labour. For the philosopher, the solution to this
problem had to lay on the reconfiguring of production to commend the
positive aspects of alienation as a necessary component of social living.
Thereafter, positive labour would imply not the alienation of the product
of one’s work but rather the constant improvement of one’s cognitive
abilities through active cooperation. ‘EEEE’ theories of cognition
emphasise the way in which cognitive capacities depend on bodily,
environmental, cultural and interactive factors and processes.'Marx’s
social philosophy puts the dialectical notion of ‘activity’ at the centre
of meaning-making and epistemology. Both, therefore, stress on the
importance of investigating the relationship between concrete cultural
practices and individual cognition, mental representations and
intentionality. By putting the two to dialogue, we think, the
theoretical-practical debate on the foundations of the capitalist model of
development can find new constructive inspiration.*

*Reading Suggestions:*

Tummolini et al. (2006). “From Extended Mind to Collective Mind”

Clark, A. (2007). “Curing Cognitive Hiccups: A Defense of the Extended Mind”

Pfeifer, R., & Bongard, J. (2007). *How the Body Shapes the Way We Think: A
New View of Intelligence*

Slaby, J. (2016). “Mind Invasion: Situated Affectivity and the Corporate
Life Hack”

Marx, K., & Engels, F. (1843). *The German Ideology*

Baudrillard, J. (1975). *The Mirror of Production*

Postone, M. (2009). *Time, Labor and Social Domination: A Reinterpretation
of Marx's Critical Theory*

Sayers, S. (2011). *Marx and Alienation: Essays on Hegelian Themes*

Jappe, A. (2014). "Towards a History of the Critique of Value"

Papers are invited that engage critically with the themes briefly presented
above. Submissions should show an interest in the practical consequences of
their critical investigation, in terms of how the capitalist mode of
production influences the way we conduct our life, and conceive of the
processes of education and socialization. Fields of enquiry worth focusing
on, alongside studies by Marx, Marxism and on EEEEC, are (though not
limited to): critical social theory, social anthropology,
neuroanthropology, psychology, social psychology, philosophy, phenomenology.

*Abstracts *(*500 words*) of the papers should be *submitted to the email
address marxandee...@gmail.com <marxandee...@gmail.com>*, no later than *May
20th, 2018*. Feedback on the result of individual applications will be sent
via email no later than June 1st, 2018. Ideally, full papers should be then
submitted by July 5th, 2018.

For any queries and clarifications please do not hesitate to contact us at

Best of Wishes,

Simone, Jodie, Harrison, Kris

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