Work all summer long on a hard-core Network Security project written in

Students: You can make 5000 $USD contributing to our open source project
and learn a lot along the way!

What is PacketFence?

PacketFence is a Free and Open Source network access control (NAC)
system. Boasting an impressive feature set including a captive-portal
for registration and remediation, guest management, centralized wired
and wireless management, 802.1X support, layer-2 and 3 isolation of
problematic devices, integration with the Snort IDS, Nessus or OpenVAS
vulnerability scanners; PacketFence can be used to effectively secure

Mainly developed in Perl with some PHP, Web (HTML/CSS/Javascript) and
SQL, PacketFence leverages components from famous open source projects
like Snort, Apache's HTTPD, Net-SNMP, FreeRADIUS, mod_perl, MySQL,
DHCPd, Bind (named), OpenVAS and more.

Why choose PacketFence? Because the project is awesome!

But also because we are doing our development on modern collaboration
tools like git/github and using a pragmatic development strategy focused
on delivering value.

Iterative code reviews and mentor availability is guaranteed. We have
delivered several major releases over the year and promise that your
code will not languish in a 3rd party repository for years before being
included. Your code might even be released during the summer!

Lastly, you will be working on enterprise-level network access control
technologies exactly as if you are part of the team! Imagine your resume
after the summer!

Here's a quick overview of our Ideas:

 * Create a multi-platform agent that would perform client-side security
 * Android-based application for Wireless security auto-configuration
 * Web administration interface rewrite
 * Initial configuration Web-based instead of through command line
 * nmap integration as a scanning engine
 * IF-MAP integration
 * Active - Active clustering support
 * Experiments in data visualization
 * New authentication schemes
 * Stealth mode - PacketFence in gather-only operation (just added!)
 * Your own idea!

Ideas page and GSoC info:
Source code:

Get in touch with us now!

@packetfence on twitter

Please help us get the word out by forwarding this email to your
students, friends or favorite social site.
Olivier Bilodeau  ::  +1.514.447.4918 *115  ::
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo ( and PacketFence

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