Good day

I am trying to setup packetfence to act as a captive portal on a routed 
network. I have many different end user sites which all sit on my routed 
service provider network. I want to run the packetfence server centrally in 
conjunction with my Ruckus virtual SmartZone controller as the wireless and 
captive portal solution. 

My problem is that Packetfence seems to want DHCP requests either tunneled to 
itself, or forwards by means of a DHCP relay, so that Packetfence itself can be 
the DHCP server to all devices which will authenticate to it. I really need the 
DHCP function to remain on each respective local DHCP server at each site.

So my question is, is packetfence just wanting to know the MAC address related 
to each IP address for internal authentication purposes? Or does packet fence 
actually require itself to be the DHCP server? Should the former be true, how 
do I set it up to work this was without Packetfence acutally being the DHCP 
OR, if the latter is true, then how can I set Packetfence DHCP server up to 
know which pool/gateway/DHCP options to offer based on the SSID which the 
device came through, as I need to offer devices the correct DHCP settings on 
their own subnet based on the site that they are at.

Please let me know if anything is unclear so that I can clarify.

Thank you

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