Hi folks,

When someone connects to our 'guest' WiFi network they fill out the portal 
registration form
with their name and e-mail address as normal.
After the PF 6.0.1 server has sent them an activation E-Mail it moves the 
device off of the registration
VLAN onto the production VLAN. I presume it is using the RADIUS-CoA protocol to 
send a CoA request
to the Cisco WLC which seems to drop the device off of the 'Guest' SSID briefly.

Windows PC's and laptops and the like seem to behave properly ion that they 
simply obtain a new (and correct)
IP address, but iPhones just fall off the SSDI and home onto the next available 
WiFi they can and never return
to the production network.
The user then gets confused because they have been dumped onto a WiFi SSID that 
has no
internet access and keep trying to register.

Is this something to do with the iPhone's 'Captive Portal Detection' mechanism 
and how can
I avoid this behaviour.


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bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!
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