We just completed a long overdue upgrade from 9.3 to 11.0.  We are happy to
share that at least one of our instances has been evergreening since PF 6
on Debian 8.

A few things we noted during the upgrade, consistently across our
environments that might be noteworthy for Debian users

1) The 10.1 to 10.2 SQL schema upgrade script is broken in the Debian
packages.  Specifically, we had to replace the section below from
https://fossies.org/linux/packetfence/db/upgrade-10.1.0-10.2.0.sql to avoid
an error about invalid SQL.  Not sure why it is different in the current
10.3 packages, possibly a minor regression during packaging for Debian.
Notably it is corrected in 11.0, but not in the 10.3 packages that would be
present for anyone doing an upgrade from before 10.2

 221 \! echo "Adding default radreply row";
 222 INSERT INTO `radreply` (`tenant_id`, `username`, `attribute`, `value`,
 223     SELECT * FROM (SELECT '1', '00:00:00:00:00:00','User-Name', '*',
'=*') as x
 224      WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM `radreply` WHERE `tenant_id`='1'
AND `username`='00:00:00:00:00:00' AND `attribute`='User-Name' AND
`value`='*' AND `op`='=*');

2) Running the export on 10.3, we received this error preventing the export
ERROR 1141 (42000) at line 8: There is no such grant defined for user
'root' on host 'xxxx'

To workaround, we removed the  "-o errexit" to allow the script to proceed;
we didn't investigate what was actually missing, but it was missing on all
our instances
# diff export.sh /usr/local/pf/addons/full-import/export.sh
< #set -o nounset -o pipefail -o errexit
< set -o nounset -o pipefail

3) Also running the export on 10.3, we received this error preventing the
cp: cannot stat '/usr/local/fingerbank/conf/fingerbank.conf\n': No such
file or directory

To workaround, we simply touched the file it was looking for, with the
newline character in the name rather than correct the script
touch '/usr/local/fingerbank/conf/fingerbank.conf\n'

The new export/import process looks like a welcome update, reducing human
error, and the amount of time to review the upgrade steps/process -
something that may have contributed to us holding off on upgrades in the

Thankyou inverse team.
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