Re: [packman] Request for package Amaya

2010-03-12 Diskussionsfäden Toni
Am Donnerstag, 11. März 2010 schrieb Willem Franssen: Dear Toni, Detlef and other Packman-packagers, Would it be possible to package webeditor Amaya version 11.3.1-0 for OpenSUSE 11.2? The bin file can not be installed, cause it needs and Those libs are not

[packman] Amaya package: something wrong

2010-03-12 Diskussionsfäden Willem Franssen
Hi Toni, Thanks a lot for packaging Amaya 11.3.1 for OpenSUSE 11.2. I also installed the debuginfo. Once Amaya is started up it works properly. But there's something wrong with the startup proces itself. The startup takes about three minutes. In the console I get no more than the following

Re: [packman] Wine MP3 support in Packman

2010-03-12 Diskussionsfäden Pascal Bleser
On Tuesday 02 March 2010 19:14:10 Cristian Morales Vega wrote: Hi, Hi Cristian, sorry for the late reply, seems it slipped under our radar. Wine includes a MP3 codec that uses mpg123, that isn't available in the OBS. I was going to patch the openSUSE wine package to add a build conditional