Re: [packman] [PM] elisa (openSUSE 11.0/i586)

2008-09-13 Diskussionsfäden Toni
Am Samstag, 13. September 2008 schrieb Amanai: There is a problem now with elisa. I got a blanc screen. there are also some problems with the dependencies from packman packages and DirectFB 1.2.3-2.1 from tghe games repo does

[packman] [PM] rosegarden4 1.6.1 (openSUSE 10.3/i586)

2008-09-13 Diskussionsfäden Wolfhard Langer
Hello Mr. Denis, on the homepage of the music software Rosegarden I found the advice, that for Rosegarden there are RPM-packages available in the Packman repository. On I found your RPM