On 2011-02-22 21:07:14 (+0100), Pascal Bleser <pascal.ble...@opensuse.org> 
> So when you re-add one of your packages to our new OBS instance,
> make sure to remove the %debug_package line from the spec file,
> it's now done automatically by OBS.
> It won't build anyway if you have it in there (including local
> builds).

By the way, the error message you get when you have
%debug_package in the spec file is the following:

error: Package already exists: %package debugsource

  -o) Pascal Bleser <pascal.ble...@opensuse.org>
  /\\ http://opensuse.org -- I took the green pill
 _\_v FOSDEM XI: 5 + 6 Feb 2011, http://fosdem.org

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