Am Mittwoch, 26. März 2008 schrieb Christian Riedel:
> Hello Mr. Graffy,
> i download the RPM Package for Openttd and install it.
> If i want start OpenTTD i see a tap that it will start but after 20 sec. i
> don't see it anymore and OpenTTD don't start.
> I use SUSE 10.3.
> Did you have a tip that i can start it?
do you have the game data  ?

from the description of the package:
OpenTTD requires the original version of Transport Tycoon Deluxe
data files in order to function. Please refer to the readme for
more information.

You have to MANUALLY copy them to the game data directory!

the game data directory is /usr/share/openttd

you can also start it from a console, if there are some error messages, please 
mail thme to te list.

> Thanks for your Help
have fun

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