
I'm attempting to create generic VFS Open and Save dialogs, however, I wish
to put a dropdown list in the title of the form.  If you've ever used a
Macintosh (pre OS-X days), you may remember the spiffy ability to quickly
navigate up the directory tree by option-clicking the title in the title
bar.  Basically, it drops down a list where each item contains one folder
less then the one above, up to the current directory.  (It saves having a
'..' item in the list.)

Now, I've played with various low-level tools like RsrcEdit (formerly
grouped with the OnBoardC tools) and created controls with the "selected"
look (i.e. blue background, white foreground).  How can I do this with
PilRC, or can I?  Is there any way for me to twiddle a bit somewhere, or can
I possibly do this in code before drawing my form?  I realize I'll be
centering the current directory trigger by hand, but the main problem is
this 'drawnAsSelected' property.

If all else fails, I'll probably grab a pointer to the structure and set the
bit the impolite way, but if someone can give me a better solution...

Thanks for any help I may recieve,
Matthew Bevan

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