Yes, this is expected as .rcp files are text files.  You can launch PilRC designer 
from the PalmOS menu then drag the rcp file from the project window to PD.

-----Original Message-----
From:  Muriph, Michael
Date:  2/10/04 10:22 am
To:  Palm Developer Forum
Subj:  PilRC Designer and CW 9.2 ( Easy question )

   I open a CW project that has a .rcp file for a resource. i.e.
  File New project Palm OS C app

   When I double click the .rcp file it opens as text in the right CW  pane.
  When I click a .rsrc file in a CW project Construcor opens.

   Is this how it should be working? Is this the desired setup?

      As you can tell I am still getting use to all this!

    Thanks Michael

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