Hi Nathan,
Thanks again for the response.
I hooked up my Ellisys USB Tracker to my Tungsten T and, when I do a
hotsync, I see a total of 5 endpoints supported - in addition to the
standard endpoint 0, there two bulk IN and two bulk OUT.
Now, if I could figure out how to programmatically connect to them in
the Palm, I'll be all set.
Regarding accessing processor registers, I need to keep this generic and
not processor-specific. 

Best Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Nathan Westgarth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 5:57 AM
To: 'Dennis Burns'
Subject: RE: USB Interface

Hi Dennis,

Yes, that is correct to some degree. It will respond to the standard
'get device/configuration descriptor/set address/set configured'
requests, but I did have problems in my project, trying to get it to
respond to a VSR required for my USB host controller so I actually had
to go around the serial manager and basically replace the serial manager
functions and do the enumeration by accessing the OMAP registers of my
Tungsten|E :)

If you are able to set up your host to send it the standard commands
that it will respond to, you should have no problems.

For my Tungsten|E I believe the serial manager sets up the USB device
with only two bulk endpoints max packet size 64 bytes - one is IN and
one OUT. Addresses are 0x81 and 0x02 (or something like that). The
Tungsten|T is set up the same but the addresses are different. Depending
on what Palm you are using it might be the same or might not.. I
couldn't tell you. If you can work with this kind of setup on host side
which is a typical 'Full Speed' USB device setup, you should be right!
Otherwise let me know and I might be able to help out if you have a palm
with OMAP processor in it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Burns [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 9 June 2004 9:37 PM
Subject: RE: USB Interface

Hello Nathan,
Thanks for responding to my email.
I am pretty familiar with USB and the enumeration process, and I have
created slave-side code to support the enumeration process (i.e.
responding to the standard requests). I can (and will) hook up my USB
Tracker to view the process, but I had hoped for some documentation. For
example, it's not clear to me how, if I see that multiple pipes are
supported, that I connect to a specific one.
Your comments however seem to indicate that the Palm device's serial
manager will respond to the standard requests? Is that correct?
Thanks again for the help,

-----Original Message-----
From: Nathan Westgarth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 11:22 PM
Subject: Re: USB Interface

If your 'USB device' has hosting capabilities you should be doing all
the enumeration firmware/software on that <-- enumeration should be
written on the HOST. You will only need to open the USB port on the Palm
side using SrmExtOpen with the USB configtypes,etc (see Serial manager
API). The host sends the device packets which it responds to, so once
enumerated there will be more stuff you need to sort out with
sending/receiving in the firmware/software on the host side.

You should be able to hook up your Palm device to a PC and perform a
hotsync to get all the relavent enumation info using a USB Snoop program
(http://www.hhdsoftware.com has a good one). The info you need is
located in the device and configuration descriptors and you may also
need to look at any Vendor Specific Requests before the device is
'configured' (you will see that in the USB snoop output). If you need
help with this I suggest you check out http://www.beyondlogic.com as
they have very easy to understand explanations on the USB descriptors
and USB in general.

Nathan Westgarth
Grabba International

"Dennis Burns" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I am interfacing a USB device (with hosting capability) to a Palm
> device.
> Will I have to create the slave-side code to implement the enumeration
> process, or is it available somewhere in a library?
> So far, I haven't found anything other than reading one or more bytes
> from the port.
> Thanks in advance,
> Dennis

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