
I use a Visor Neo and the Magellan GPS Companion connected on the
Springboard connector.
I guess that the Companion  use the serial protocol to communicate since I
need to fix the speed
using their command ( MglnStart (4800) ) eventhough it is connected on the
Springboard connector.

The problem is that I have to disconnect the companion when I want to
transfert data from the PC to
the Visor ( vice versa ) through the serial port. It seems that there's a
conflict between the serial port
and the springboard, even if the communication with the Springboard has been
closed ( MglnStop() ).

Curriously I can leave the Companion plugged when I use Hotsync (USB) to
synchronize Apps. Is there
a trick so that I can "isolate" the Springboard when I want to use the
serial port ?

Thanks in advance.

Agus Silas

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