----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Vu Pham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2004 9:36 AM
Subject: bitmap (again )

> I think it is better to handle my problem in another way.
> I write a small tool that help me to convert a text file to a binary file.
> This binary file has two parts : the first part has the format of
> BitmapTypeV2, the 2nd part is the data ( for the bitmap ).
> I use PilRC to compile this resource by ( thanks for the tip from Aaron ).
> DATA "Tbmp" ID someid "mybinary file"
> Then in my code, I use
> MemHandle h = DmGetResource( bitmatRsc, someid );
> and then bmP = ( BitmapPtr )  MemHandleLock(h );
> Is this logic correct ?

Yes, this is correct. I 've just been able to show the bitmap by this
method. The problem was big/little endian. The tool that produced this bimap
did not pay attention to that conversion. That it worked before is just a
coincidence of the real device that uses the same endian.

After adding the conversion on both the tool and the Palm poject, now it
displays just fine.

Some people told me that I need to eat some fish for intelligence, now I
know that I need a big shark. :-)


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