Pambazuka News 794: Big man fantasies: BRICS, EPAs and Bushmen

13 October 2016

CONTENTS: 1. Features <>
, 2.  <>Advocacy &
Campaigns, <>  3.

BRICS fantasies and unintended revelations
Bond <>As the leaders of Brazil,
Russia, India, China and South Africa meet this weekend for a summit in
India, one consistency is observable from all the BRICS elites: A stream of
anti-imperialist chatter even when the intent is to assimilate into
imperialism. The BRICS’ real agenda is sub-imperialism: five countries’
feet joining those of the US and EU, firmly astride the throats of the
world’s poorest people.

 Why East Africa should reject EPA deal with Europe
G. Campbell <>Europe is in
crisis, and yet countries in East Africa are ready to sign on a poorly
understood trade agreement with the EU whose overall impact will be
disastrous for years to come. EPA will favour trade in the direction of
Europe and stunt African progress. Tanzania has hesitated and called for
public debate. Tanzania should provide the bold leadership required in the
region to reject the EPA.

 DR Congo: On the current debate over a looming crisis of legitimacy
Tshimba <>Uncertainty hangs over
the date of presidential and legislative elections, yet President Joseph
Kabila’s term expires on 19 December 2016 and he is not eligible for
re-election. The opposition rejects the possibility of Kabila continuing in
office as elections are organized. But there is an alternative. The
Congolese can forget about elections and instead imagine a different way of
organizing their society away from liberal democracy.

 Ouattara’s parody of constitutional change
K. Busch <>Ouattara is trying to
achieve in the constitution what he and his rebel allies refused when the
change was proposed way back in 2004. There is no sincerity in the current
push for constitutional reform. What Ouattara wants is to consolidate state
power and make it difficult for anyone else wishing to be president.​

 Ghana Election 2016: Religiosity, austerity, zero-sum politics and
democracy triumphalism (Pt.2)
Kofi Nyaxo Olympio
<>In the second
and final part of this essay, the author argues that one cannot deny that
democratic constitutionalism has had profound impacts in Ghana – civil
society activism is flourishing and inculcation of democratic habits has
become a normalcy. But the state of transacting political business among
the dominant players has grave consequences for trust, solidarity and
social cohesion.​
  Racist of the year, Ian Khama: Not Botswana’s finest
Evans <>President Khama says
that Bushmen live lives “of backwardness,” “a primitive life of
deprivation” and “a primeval life of a bygone era.” According to the head
of state, they are innately inferior and  it was his government’s duty to
“modernize” them, if necessary by force. This has meant opening up Bushmen
land to diamond mines and luxury tourist lodges. Guterres' choice as next
UN chief is profoundly historic
Jaura <>Guterres has not only
gathered valuable experience as head of the UN Refugee Agency for ten years
until December 2015, and as prime minister of his country in critical
times, but also as president of the Socialist International.

  Maps for Africa: Why they matter
O. Kakonge <>Given the value of
mapping, African governments need to raise funds from different sources,
including from their development partners, the private sector,
international foundations and other users to support not only the training
of qualified cartographers and surveyors but also to procure new equipment
and software to assist in the design of  quality maps.

 Political will is vital to curb terrorism financing, money laundering and
recovery of Africa’s looted assets
Noor M. <>Africa has lost $1
trillion over the past five decades through illicit financial flows.
International mechanisms for getting this looted wealth back exist. While
some African countries have often claimed that the existence of tax havens
hinders assets recovery efforts, lack of political will has been cited as
the key problem.

  The Birth of a Nation: Revisiting the Nat Turner rebellion of 1831
released during an escalation in racial strife in the United States*Abayomi
Azikiwe <>This film by Nate
Parker makes an important contribution to rewriting the actual history of
the African people in the U.S. and consequently world studies. Without an
accurate understanding of the development of America as the leading
imperialist nation in the world it is impossible to design a program for
transforming the present conditions of colonialism, neo-colonialism and


*Advocacy and Campaigns*
Pardoning Marcus Garvey: Sign Petition
M.C <>Marcus Garvey should be
posthumously pardoned for his wrongful conviction for use of the mails in
furtherance of a scheme to defraud. During a time when Blacks were seen as
second class citizens, Garvey led a mass movement to elevate the Black
community through economic empowerment and independence. He was convicted
after being targeted by J. Edgar Hoover and deprived of a fair trial. Go to:



 Pambazuka Special Issue: Call for Articles
*The **Labour Movement in Africa - Prospects and Challenges*The Editors

Pambazuka News is preparing a Special Issue on the labour movement and the
struggles for Africa's liberation today. The Editors invite articles that
examine the movement’s mission beyond agitation for worker rights towards
the bigger project of concrete self-determination of the African people.




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Henry Makori and Tidiane Kasse - Editors, Pambazuka News

Yves Niyiragira - Executive Director, Fahamu

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Pambazuka News is a publication of FAHAMU

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