Pambazuka News 801: Farewell, Comrade Fidel Castro

01  December 2016

CONTENTS: 1. Features <>
  2. Announcement <>

Fidel Castro: Charismatic revolutionary leader who defied the odds
Mayo <>Despite enormous
difficulties arising from a US economic blockade, Cuba under Castro made
tremendous strides forward in education, medicine, science, sport,
international exchange relations and sustainable development. The Cuban
revolution served as a promising source of hope not only to the
impoverished people of Latin America but also to the rest of the
Tricontinental World - the exploited and colonized populations of Latin
America, Asia and Africa.

 A global revolutionary
Alejandro Gómez
<>No one can
look back over 20th and 21st century history without studying the work and
ideas of this Cuban who wrote a small Caribbean island into the pages of
“true global history,” as told by the people.

  Fidel Castro, a hero of our times
Duodu <>Vivid accounts of
Castro’s brave encounters with the forces of oppression enabled people of
diverse cultures and backgrounds to envisage waging similar struggles in
their own terrain. Suddenly, revolution was seen as a possible and viable
alternative to corrupt dictatorship in many developing countries.

 Pan African solidarity with the Cuban people
Statement by the North American Delegation to the 8th Pan African Congress
on the passing of Comrade Fidel Castro Ruiz*The Pan African Congress -
North America
anti-imperialist policies, socialist initiatives and strong
internationalism have earned him a lasting place in world history.

 The death of a colossus: Fidel Castro joins the Ancestors at 90, unbroken,
Danto <>Despite the obvious
propaganda attempting to demonize him, Fidel Castro will always remain an
icon, a warrior for the poor and disenfranchised. He will forever be a
symbol of revolution against Western imperialism, colonialism, subjugation,
human exploitation and profit before people.

 Comrade Fidel, red salute!
Chowdhury <>Fidel Castro
embodied in his life the unending struggle of ordinary people for a life of
dignity against the forces of oppression. In him dedicated revolutionaries
find the inspiration to resist their enemy, regardless how mighty.

 Interview with Fidel Castro: The nature of Cuban socialism
Savioli <>Fidel Castro was a
fierce Cuban revolutionary whose principle and dedication to revolutionary
ideals of international socialism was like no other. Fidel passed away on
26 November 2019 at the age of 90 years. The following interview was
conducted in February 1961 in Cuba.
  Fidel Castro and Yoweri Museveni: Brothers in arms
Serumaga <>Museveni and Castro
both came to power through a revolution. Despite a crippling international
blockade led by America, Cuba under Castro made huge strides in development
while Uganda, a darling of the West, has remained backward - with all those
millions of dollars in aid. It is a country where ordinary diarrhea is a
life-threatening condition.
  Fidel Castro, Cuban internationalism and the African Revolution
mourns Communist leader who dedicated his life to human liberation*Abayomi
Azikiwe <>No other political
figure outside of Africa symbolized global solidarity with the aspirations
of the people than Comandante President Fidel Castro Ruz of the Republic of

  Barack and Fidel: A beyond bizarre comparison
Freeman <>It is laughable – or
pitiful – to compare Barack Obama to Fidel Castro. The fundamental truth
is: Barack Obama is the president of imperialism. By necessity he must be a
mass murdering, lying, enemy of humanity*.* It is an unspoken prerequisite
for that job. Fidel Castro is the opposite. That’s why a long line of U.S.
presidents has tried to assassinate Castro over 600 times, and committed
1,000 acts of terror against his people.
  As we mourn Fidel Castro, it is time Africa’s youth rose up against
Toure Otondi <>Nobody
should be under the illusion that the conditions of poverty and
hopelessness that crush the masses of the people in Africa are one day
going to end without a bitter struggle. The time is ripe for a Socialist
revolution in Africa that will overthrow elite misrule and put the
continent on the path to true transformation. That is the urgent task for
Africa’s teeming masses of young people.


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Henry Makori and Tidiane Kasse - Editors, Pambazuka News

Yves Niyiragira - Executive Director, Fahamu

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