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Pambazuka News 853: Ramaphosa, Tsvangirai, and struggles of working people

23 February 2018

CONTENTS: 1. Features <>
  2. Announcements <>
President Ramaphosa: From militant-revolutionary to corporate magnate
G. Campbell <>

In this interesting radio interview, Sharmini Peries of The Real News
Network discusses with renowned pan-Africanist, Professor Horace Campbell
on the recent changes in South Africa that saw Cyril Ramaphosa, a former
working class militant turned corporate magnate become fifth president of
that country.

Cyril Ramaphosa relaunches neo-liberalism

*After Jacob Zuma’s firing, South Africa risks budget austerity and even
renewed BRICS “poisoning”. *
Patrick Bond <>

Cyril Ramaphosa’s soft-coup firing of Jacob Zuma from the South African
presidency on 14 February 2018, after nearly nine years in power and a
bitter struggle to avoid resignation, has contradictory local and
geopolitical implications. Amidst general applause at seeing Zuma’s rear
end in the society, immediately concerns arise about the new president’s
neo-liberal, pro-corporate tendencies, and indeed his legacy of financial
corruption and class war against workers given the lack of closure on the
2012 Marikana Massacre.

The Runt. Can Ramaphosa rebRand?

*Rejoice South Africa. The Ramaphosa factor – R11.65 to the US dollar.*
Douglas Schorr <>

Big Business thought the Zuma factor was just what they needed and the
Rand-Dollar traded in the 8.50 – 6.70 band. Then in January 2016, they
decided Zuma was bad for business, warning shots were fired, the Rand fell
almost to 17. Now Ramaphosa is what Big Business wants!

Morgan Tsvangirai – an honest man on the cross
Tandon <>

Yash Tandon urgues that the late Morgan Tsvangirai, leader of the Movement
for Democratic Change, would be remembered as an enigmatic and emblematic
figure for his relentless opposition to the ruling party power elite
despite his tribulations.

In memory of President Morgan Tsvangirai
Murenje <>

The best way to remember the late President of the Movement for Democratic
Change (MDC), Morgan Tsvangirai, is to keep his legacy of fighting the rule
of law and democratic governance in Zimbabwe. The MDC leadership needs to
unite to keep that legacy alive.

SONA 2018: President Ramaphosa brings back confidence to state institutions
Kiven Gabriel <>

President Cyril Ramaphosa's State of the Nation Address of 16
February 2018 seemed crafted to appeal to the electorate that has
been alienated by the Zuma presidency marred by scandals. But,
can Ramaphosa honour his promises?

The Oromo of Eastern Africa: A Mazruiana perspective
Adem <>

The Oromo people have not been able to dominate the politics of Ethiopia,
as the Amhara and Tigrinya people have dominated the empire's  governance.
Nonetheless, the Oromo's ancestral principle of democracy--a transitional
principle of eight years as a generational unit--has influenced many
countries and could one time influence Ethiopia's politics.

Colombia: If we do not get engaged with politics …
Chowdhury <>

Assassinations and assaults that are being unleashed against the
Revolutionary Alternative Force of the Common, the political party formed
by the former FARC leaders and activists are
a hindrance to renewed initiatives for a peaceful and decent Colombia.

Igbo president as APC’s survival strategy
Dibia <>

For Nigeria's All Progressives Congress party to survive
after Mohammadu Buhari's presidency, they might
as well consider presenting an Igbo presidential candidate in 2023

Lessons learned from the past for the future: Reflections on 1968 and its
implications for today
Azikiwe <>

Important developments that took place in 1968 with the working class
protesting against their deplorable working conditions are still relevant
to what is happening five decades later in 2018.

Black Panther as neo-Tarzanism
Agozino <>

Hollywood expects everyone to cheer whenever African characters are starred
as superheroes even if the roles assigned to them include the mass murder
of fellow Africans while subtly promoting the interests of colonisers.

“Made in Russia”: Securing Russia’s economic interests
Kenn Klomegah <>

There is need for Russian and African business partners to know more about
each other’s capacities and needs so that the significant potential
of economic cooperation between these two parties can be utilised.


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News better, we have developed an android app as another tool to create a
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