I had cause to reflect on our cardmodel hobby the other day. I was at the local 
hospital visiting my old mate PICNIC with whom I spend a bit of time each week 
building cardmodels. I had taken the Saladin with me to show him the latest 
additions to the build and was completely taken by surprise by the effects it 
had on others who were incarcerated in the ward with him.
Some were amazed, others were flabbergasted and some were disbelieving until 
they actually touched the model that it was made of basically paper and it 
occurred to me that we , for the most part, take cardmodels for granted. We 
download some, we share links to free ones and occasionally we buy one for a 
pittance without really thinking about what actually goes into designing one.
I have an IT diploma and we ran our own PC business here so I know a little 
about computers but software has always been smoke and mirrors to me and how 
someone can design a model like the Saladin or the latest I've bought from Dave 
Winfield, his Quad Gun Tractor, is simply beyond me. The Saladin has around 
1700 parts and the Quad has about 900 parts but how does the designer even know 
where to begin let alone flog the model off for a lousy 20 odd dollars ?.  Here 
in Oz that won't go anywhere near buying you a packet of dhurries, you'll get a 
six pack of beer and a little change but that's about it but what about  some 
of these kits we occasionally build and the work that goes into them .
Don't mind me, I'm just musing here but we really should sit back and think 
about these kits we collect and build, gahm-ded closed his website because 
everyone, including myself, just grabbed his models without acknowledging the 
work he put into them. Just something to think about.

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