Many times we put off serving the Lord because we think it will affect our 
lifestyle and keep us from having a good time. The truth is that serving and 
giving of ourselves is the way that God puts that sense of peace, 
happiness and gratitude in our life.  Jesus said only by giving can 
we receive and only by loving can we be loved.  If you are struggling 
in the area of serving others, then this message will help you to see the
benefits of being a servant. (2 Corinthians 9:7-10) (1 John 4:10-13)


We know a wealthy couple in Dallas who have really struggled with
teaching their children servanthood.  For one thing, the kids have had
almost whatever they've wanted for years. They've become so
accustomed to others meeting their needs that the idea of "serving"
sounded like something from the Middle Ages...or Mars. 

The father in that family realized he was getting a late start, but
hey it was better than no start at all!

A week or so before the holidays, he said to his family, "We're going
to do something different this Thanksgiving." His teenagers sat up and
listened. Usually when he said things like that it meant something
exotic.  Like parasailing in the Bahamas. 

But not this time.  "We're going to go down to the mission," he told
them, "and we're going to serve Thanksgiving dinner to some poor and
homeless people."

"We're going to what?" "Come on, Dad, you're kidding...aren't you?
Please tell us you're kidding."

He wasn't.  They went along with it because of his firm insistence,
but no one was happy about it.  For some reason their dad had "gotten
weird" and apparently it was something he just had to get out of his
system.  Serving at the mission! What if their friends heard about it?

No one could have predicted what happened that day.  And no one in the
family could remember when they had a better time together.  They
hustled around the kitchen, dished up turkey and dressing, sliced
pumpkin pie and refilled countless coffee cups.  They clowned around
with the little kids and listened to old folks tell stories of
Thanksgivings long ago and far away. 

The dad in the family was thoroughly pleased and would you believe
even stunned by the way his kids responded.  But nothing could have
prepared him for their request a few weeks later. 

"Dad...we want to go back to the mission and serve Christmas dinner!"

And they did.  As the kids hoped, they met some of the same people
they'd become acquainted with at Thanksgiving.  One needy family in
particular had been on their minds, and they all lit up when they saw
them back in the dinner line again. Since that time, the families have
had several contacts. The pampered teenagers have rolled up their
sleeves more than once to serve the family from one of Dallas's poorer

There was a marked but subtle change in that home.  The kids didn't
seem to be taking things for granted anymore.  Their parents found
them more serious...more responsible.  Yes, it was a late start.  But
it was a start!

By Gary Smalley and John Trent

I hope you have found a bit of inspiration in this story that shows
how it is much better to serve others rather than to be served
ourselves.  I have said it many times, and I believe it is worth
repeating again.  Jesus said by loving others is the way all people
will know that we are His disciples. Love is the greatest of all
attributes and by serving others, God's love is made manifest. (John
13:34-35) (Romans 13:9-10)

It is easy for us to make excuses of why we are not able to volunteer
and help the people that are not as fortunate as we are.  We can say
that we don't have any time or our job schedule is so busy that it is
impossible. Yes, it is easy for us to make excuses, but I believe it
show's more character in a person who despite being so busy will still
make time and say, “I will help those that are not as fortunate as I
am.”  I want you to know that you will not only be a blessing, but you
also will be greatly blessed for your kindness and compassion towards
those who are not as privileged as you are. (Romans 15:1-6) (Luke
6:38) (Matthew 5:42-45)
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