Dear friends,

This is a good story that shows what great results can come forth when
someone who is discouraged is lifted up and motivated because of the
encouragement they received from someone close to them. I hope you
are challenged and inspired by this message to be uplifting and
motivating towards those around you who feel like they should just
give up. You will be shining a great light through your life and the
love of God is sure to be seen through your encouragement towards that
person who needs a spiritual lift. (Matthew 5:14-16) (John 13:34-35)


Love believes in all things.  

In 1910 DeWitt Wallace developed a new idea for a magazine. It would
consist of a collection of condensed articles and he would call it the
Reader's Digest. He put together a proposed sample and sent it to
publishers throughout the country. Nobody seemed interested. DeWitt
was terribly discouraged. 

It's about the same time he met Lila Bell Acheson, the daughter of a
Presbyterian minister. Before long the two fell in love. Lila
believed in DeWitt's dream. She wouldn't let him give up and
encouraged him to keep trying his wonderful idea for a magazine.
Boosted by her faith in him, DeWitt started mailing circular letters
to potential subscribers. 

In October, 1921, Lila married DeWitt. On returning from their
honeymoon, they found a bundle of letters from interested subscribers.
Together they worked on Volume 1, Number 1, which appeared in
February, 1922. DeWitt Wallace included Lila Bell Acheson as his
co-founder, co-editor and co-owner. Over the years their little
magazine grew. Now printed in at least 19 languages, Reader's Digest
is the best-selling magazine in the entire world. 

DeWitt and Lila were more than husband and wife, they were true
friends. They encouraged, supported and believed in each other. They
worked side by side to make their dream come true, and in the process
they respected each other. DeWitt once said, "I think Lila made the
Digest possible." I can imagine that Lila would probably say the same
about DeWitt. 

Yes, Love believes in all things. It sticks up for seemingly
impossible dreams, cheering as those dreams struggle forward and
applauding when they finally come true. 

By Steve Stevens

I truly believe every person has the ability to be an encourager.
Saying a kind word or encouraging someone not to quit may be enough to
make that person's dreams come to pass. It is easy to give up when
all the doors around us seem to be closed, but an encouraging word
that we all can offer not to give up, can be motivation enough for
that person to continue on and know that their persistence in seeing
their vision come alive will be rewarded with great success. (Genesis
24:12) (Joshua 1:8-9)

I encourage you to try to be a motivation and an encouragement to
someone close to you who is not receiving the support they need. If
every person took an interest in someone else who was in need of an
encouraging boost to continue on and not give up on their dreams, this
world would have an explosion of inspirational testimonies on the
power of not giving up. It is not too late for us to take on this
goal of motivating those who are feeling down and discouraged. You
just may be the catalyst to which a great event takes place; all
because of your interest in a person was not receiving the motivation
they needed. (Revelation 12:11) (Galatians 6:1-4)
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