A place of peace and blessings...

“Trust the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on
your own understanding.” -- Proverbs 3:5 

Unconditional Surrender

1 Kings 20:1-4 

Now Ben-hadad king of Aram gathered all his army,  and
there were thirty-two kings with him, and horses and
chariots. And he went up and <*3> besieged Samaria and
fought against it.
Then he sent messengers to the city to Ahab king of
Israel and said to him, ""Thus says Ben-hadad,
"Your silver and your gold are mine; your most
beautiful wives and children are also mine.'''
The king of Israel replied, ""It is according to your
word, my lord, O king; I am yours, and all that I
have.''06 December 

Have you ever shopped at an open air market or a flea
market? Oftentimes, the shopkeepers of these
establishments purposely display items without price
labels. This clever sales strategy revolves around the
premise that customers will “bargain” with them to
arrive at an agreeable price. 

When we try to “bargain” with God, however, the result
is not desirable. Have you ever prayed, “God, if you
stay out of this area of my life, I will serve you
more diligently in all others”? As we learn more about
the character of our heavenly Father, we realize that
God wants us to surrender our lives completely to Him.

As a loving and compassionate Father, God never forces
us to relinquish control. Instead, He calls gently to
us, asking us to trust Him with our hopes, dreams, and
disappointments. He does not want to control you for
the sake of power. He desires to use you in a way that
is greater than you can imagine. 

Take a moment to think through the areas of your life:
your occupation, your hobbies, your health, your
relationships—are you currently allowing God to direct
your decisions? 

Bring your doubts, fears, and worries to the Lord
today in prayer. He loves you and is concerned with
even the smallest details of your life. When you are
ready to stop bargaining, He will lead you to a place
of peace and blessings. 

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