Chelsea was forced to work a dead-end job she didn't like to help 
support her family. Her mother twice divorced and an alcoholic, change jobs 
about every other month. Often, late at night, Chelsea would stare up at 
the ceiling and ask God, "Don't you care about me? Why is this happening?"
     One night during the long walk home through back alleys in the inner 
city, she noticed a man watching her from behind a garbage dumpster. She 
gasped as she realized he was holding a large knife. She prayed 
desperately, "God, please help me. Don't you care? Please get me out of 
this!" Trembling, she kept walking past the man. For some reason, he never 
came after her.
     Later, the man was arrested for several rapes and murders in the same 
area over a four-month period.
Chelsea wanted to know why the man had not attacked her, so she arranged a 
jail visit with a local newspaper reporter. She sat face-to-face with the 
man who could have killed her and asked, "I was the girl in the alley that 
night. You let me walk right past you. Why?"
     "Lady, are you crazy? You had that big, tall man dressed in white 
clothes walking next to you. There was no way I was going to fight him for 
     Chelsea then realized the Lord had answered her prayer. He did care 
about her, and He helped her when she called on Him. An angel had protected 
     Do you sometimes feel like God had abandoned you in the middle of your 
problem? Do you ever ask "Why?" when certain things happen? We all do. 
Even Jesus' disciples asked that question.
     Jesus went to sleep in a boat, and a horrible storm came up. For a 
long time the disciples tried to fight it themselves. Finally, they woke 
Jesus up and said, "Hey, Don't you care about us? We're going to die!" 
Jesus gave them a little lecture about faith and then stopped the storm 
dead in its tracks.
     What's the point? The disciples tried to solve their own problems 
first -- without God. Then, only after everything else had failed, they 
finally called on the Lord. If they had only trusted God to begin with! 
Jesus wanted the disciples to trust Him -- even when it seemed like He was 
asleep and unaware of their problem.
     Jesus is aware of your problems. He cares. But sometimes He waits 
before stopping the storm to see if you'll call on Him instead of trying to 
solve things yourself.
     Go wake God Up. Surprise Him. Ask Him to help you with all of your 
problems... Step back and watch Him work.

By Brian Shipman, WWJD Today (excerpts)
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