It can be discouraging at times when we work our heart out for the Lord and yet 
our efforts seem to go unnoticed. It is very important that we recognize our 
role in the body of Christ and know that each job we have makes a difference 
even though others may not realise it.
Never allow the enemy to discourage your efforts and make you feel as if your 
work is all in vain. The simplest of tasks accomplishes more than you might 
ever think or imagine. (1 Corinthians 12:18-24) (Isaiah 55:10-11) (Ephesians 
This is a good story that shows in illustration form how God's Work is affected 
when a member of His body gets discouraged and quits. If you are feeling down 
and want to give up in the area where God has placed you, then I hope this 
story will encourage you and rekindle the fire within your spirit.


One day a wise man came to a small town. He needed a place to stay so he went 
to the first Church he found. Inside, a small group of people argued about how 
they could best please God. 
"I'll help you," the man said, "but you must promise to use what I give you to 
glorify God."
"Oh, we will," the people assured him. "We will."
He gave each of them gifts — one was to be a pianist, another a flutist. To one 
he gave a cello, to another a violin, and to yet another he gave the role of 
The people worked long and hard to prepare a song of praise for the Church. The 
music became more and more beautiful. 
One afternoon during practice the violinist said to the pianist, "I'm so glad I 
have the important job of playing the violin. I'd sure hate to be only a toe-
topper." The toe-tapper was so hurt that he went home. 
The next day, when the group met to practice, nothing came together right. 
Finally, the flutist said, "Without that toe-tapper here I don't know when to 
come in for my part." They started over time and time again, but the music 
sounded terrible. 
It was then that the violinist spoke up in a very sad voice. "I'm sorry. This 
is all my fault. I thought I was so important that I didn't need the help of 
the toe-tapper. I was wrong!"
So he led the way to the toe-tapper's house and asked him to come back with 
them. The toe-tapper agreed and once again the music was beautiful.
Then, one Sunday, they play their music in Church. God looked down and smiled. 
I think He even winked at the toe-tapper.

By Joan Sparks

The Lord has a special position for each of His children. There is no one part 
that is more important than the other. Whether our job is to drive the bus, to 
orchestrate the choir in the Church service, or to preach the Gospel to the 
lost; our position must be looked at as a service unto the Lord and not 
something where we seek glorification.
It is important that we always give God all the Glory for the work that we do 
because it is not in our power that people change and are impacted, but it is 
by the Spirit of God, and that's why He always deserves the Glory, the Honour 
and the Praise. (Romans 12:4-10) (Isaiah 42:8) (Zechariah 4:6)

I hope you have found some refreshment in this message to never give up in the 
area where God has called you, but rather to continue on and stay faithful in 
that task no matter how hard the enemy may try to discourage you. You are loved 
by the Lord greatly and only in heaven will you know the reward for being God’s 
faithful servant. (Jeremiah 31:3) (Matthew 25:21)
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