"I lift my eyes to the hills; from where is my help to come?" 
      (Psalm 121:1)

     Sooner or later, everyone finds himself in a place where all hope is 
gone. Illness, often, or unemployment that stretches on and on through 
month after discouragement month. Divorce, maybe, or the terrifying 
waywardness of a beloved child. You've tried everything you or anyone else 
can think of, many times, but you've finally reached the end of your rope.

     God is at the end of that rope, as God has been at every point along 
it. When you've done all you can, all that remains is to turn it over to 
God. Does this mean that you'll get your heart's desire? No — if that 
were so, the millions of people whose families prayed with everything that 
was in them for a healing and didn't get one would still be alive. You 
don't know in advance what your help will be, or from which direction it 
will come. But in unexpected deliverances and in anguished defeat, that 
which comforts and stays with us is God. Perhaps God will join your 
rejoicing. Perhaps God will share your sorrow. In your life, you will 
surely know both of these ways of feeling God's presence.

     I think the question we can best explore with God is not so much "What 
will happen?" as it is "What can happen in this situation?" God is not an 
appropriate subject for fortune-telling; God is a God of prophecy, of 
discerning meaning and the potential for good in everything that happens, 
the good and the bad. Viewing life's ups and downs in this way opens my 
eyes to possibilities I would never see if I located God only in those 
moments in which I got my way.

                     Shared by Joe Gatuslao
                     Bacolod City, Philippines
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