- 1 John 4:16

God is love. Three small words take us effortlessly to the source of that which 
should motivate everything we do. 

Imagine standing beside a stream of water, watching it trickle over the rocks 
as it moves along the path it has carved over time. Now travel to the place 
where this gentle stream finds its beginning, and discover that the closer we 
are to the source, the stronger the currents flow, the broader the banks 
become, and the deeper the waters go. When we finally reach the source from 
which the tiny stream flows, we find ourselves standing before a mighty ocean. 
There is no end in sight, no confinements on the horizon-only an endless supply 
of water from this magnificent, boundless source. 

As we live our busy lives and seek to love others, the most important thing for 
us to remember is that God is the Source of our outflow. The closer we are to 
Him, the stronger our desire will grow, the bigger our hearts will become, and 
the deeper our capacity will be to hold the unending supply of love that pours 
from Him. It is impossible for the waters of His love to run dry or lose their 
potential to refresh, restore, and satisfy the most inherent need of every 
human soul. We are the outlets, the rivers, the streams. His love will flow 
through us in whatever measure we choose  whether it be a deluge or a trickle 
 but we can never forget that a single drop of it holds the power to change a 
life. In even the smallest act of love, we reflect the heart of Him who 
fulfilled every definition of the word through His Son. 

As we celebrate Valentine's Day, may we move ever closer to the source of 
perfect love, making our lives a continual river of compassion toward others. 
May our families, friends, and the unexpected people who cross our path be 
showered with God's love through us.

"This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into 
the world that we might live through Him."
 - 1 John 4:9

God's Richest Blessings,
Zaneta, Michael & Irma Raymond

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