When challenges come our way that seem too great for us to accomplish, it is 
important that we don't allow ourselves to feel overwhelmed and think that 
were unable to overcome those challenges. We are all able to do great things, 
but the great things will not be accomplished in one day. It will take time to 
reach our main goals and so we should focus on achieving the goal of today and 
when today's goal has been reached, we can focus on tomorrow's. I encourage you 
to take life one day at a time and don't allow yourself to feel overwhelmed 
because of life's challenges. You will be able to reach your goals and overcome 
your challenges, so never allow the enemy to discourage your efforts and make 
you think that your destiny will never be fulfilled. As long as God is on His 
throne, we all have the promise of Victory. (John 16:33) (2 Corinthians 4:15-
18) (Deuteronomy 31:8) 


Sometimes the most worthwhile things in life are accomplished inch by inch - 
not by people who are struggling for perfection of greatness, but by folks who 
are simply trying to put one foot in front of the other. 

Die-hard baseball fans may have heard about the pitcher, Walter "Big Train" 
Johnson. He arrived at the ball park one day for a crucial game, his arm 
painfully sore. Coach Clark Griffith told him: "Try one inning. If your arm 
gives you trouble, I'll take you out." 

So Johnson pitched one inning, and though his arm pained him, he said he would 
try another. He pitched the second, then the third, then the fourth. At the end 
of nine innings of out-and-out agony, Johnson had pitched the only no-hitter in 
his 20-year career. 

Author Unknown 

Let this story be an encouragement to you and know that you can accomplish 
great things in your life. Don't allow the enemy to discourage you and make you 
think that you'll never be a success. Take one day at a time and be determined 
in reaching your goals and accomplishing everything that God has placed in your 

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