Thank you Ken, that was exactly the reply I was hoping for. I used the 
extraction tool to remove the unwanted cells, but I will also investigate the 
first two steps too.

Many thanks,


Dr Neil Ashton MEng (hons), PhD CEng MIMechE

Research Engineer

Computational Fluid Dynamics Group
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
University of Manchester
M60 1QD

On 6 Nov 2013, at 16:09, "Moreland, Kenneth" 
<<>> wrote:

The problem you have is that you have no way to define what the outer 
boundaries of the shape are. As a human looking at the shape, I can reasonably 
guess that the space in the middle bottom of the data is supposed to be empty. 
But even then I'm not totally sure where the boundary is. I don't think there 
is any reasonable way a filter can predict where there is or isn't supposed to 
be data. The Delaunay filter makes the reasonable (but often wrong) assumption 
that mesh should cover the convex hull. However, the convex hull is 
conservative in that the result will always cover the space that should be 
covered plus some extra. So perhaps the easiest thing to do is remove the 
extra. I can think of three possible ways to do this.

First, you mentioned that you have a CFD solver. I presume that means you have 
a proper mesh for the CFD solver. Bring in that mesh and then run the Resample 
With Dataset filter with the results of the Delaunay2D as the Input and the CFD 
mesh as the Source. This will give you the CFD grid with the experimental 
values interpolated on the points.

The second thing you could try is to remove "bad" triangles. In you image I 
notice that most if not all of the polygons in the "empty space" region are 
either unusually large or unusually thin. You can use the Mesh Quality filter 
to get the area and aspect ratio of the triangles and then use the threshold 
filter to remove the triangles that are unusually large or thin.

The third thing you could try is to simply use the extract selection filter to 
get the cells you want. Use the "Select Cells On" tool to select the empty 
region of the data, then invert the selection, then run the Extract Selection 

I hope that helps.


From: Neil Ashton 
Date: Wednesday, November 6, 2013 7:24 AM
To: "<>" 
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Paraview] Delaunay 2D question

Hi all,

I have a query regarding the optimal way of visualising some point data from an 
experiment & CFD.

I have several 2D PIV windows from an experiment which have between 100 and 800 
points arranged at several x and y locations. In order to compare these against 
CFD simulations I output the data from the same points in the CFD solver.

To visualise them I currently use the CSV reader, table to points, and then the 
Delaunay2D filters to turn this data into 2D slices.

The problem I have is when I have a gap in the data i.e the shape is not a 
square but has an empty bit in the middle. The Delaunay 2D filter triangulates 
all the data and it therefore doesn't constrain to the boundaries of the data.

I have attached three files which hopefully illustrate my problem.

I wanted to ask if there is a way to constrain the Delaunay2D filter or use an 
alternative method to ensure that the shape of the PIV/data window is 
preserved. I'm sure this type of thing is done fairly regularly but I couldn't 
figure out how to do this in Paraview.

Many thanks,


Dr Neil Ashton MEng (hons), PhD CEng MIMechE

Research Engineer

Computational Fluid Dynamics Group
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
University of Manchester
M60 1QD

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