Hi every one

I have a list of point (coordinate x,y,z), using*table to point* I can visualize it on PV.
But I would like to know the total area of those points.
So I tried *glyph* (sphere, all the points) than *integrate variable *and I obtained the area.
But the area is depending of the radius that I put on *glyph* parameter.

those points are the deposition of particles in a complex geometry(human nasal cavity) They are calculated when they intersect the surface mesh of the nasal cavity.

my question:
There is a way to "project" those points on the mesh surface (then filtering and *integrate variable* to calculate the total area) ?

thank you

Hadrien Calmet
Dpt. Computer Applications in Science and Engineering
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)
Edificio Nexus II - Planta 3
08034 Barcelona, Spain
Tel: +34 93 413 79 40
Fax: +34 93 413 7721
www: www.bsc.es

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