
I am migrating my plugins from pqNamedObjectPanel to new pqPropertyWidget. I 
have 2 unsolved taskes in one of my more complicated filters left which I 
cannot figure out how to solve:

First Problem:

I have a small getterfunction with a text of my plugin filter which includes 
some information about the processing (computation time and a kind of fitness 
score during computation) wich I displayed in my old plugin widget of 
pqNamedObjectPanel in the overloaded updateInformationAndDomains() function:


    vtkSMPropertyHelper oGetInfo(this->proxy(), "GetInfo");

    m_poInformation->setText( QString(oGetInfo.GetAsString()));

How can I do that with pqPropertyWidget? Or is there a better way (maybe 
somehow to bring it into the "Information" Tab instead of property tab....)

Second Problem:
I programmed a Attribute Array QTreeView of a certain kind of attributes of my 
inputs with checkboxes ( I only allow selection of attributes which are in all 
inputs). I already integrated it that it loads dynamically everything correct 
in constructor, but I miss a possibility of a callback/Qt Signal when input 
changes so that I can update that list..... any suggestions? In my old plugin I 

QObject::connect( proxy, SIGNAL( producerChanged(const QString&) ),
                      this, SLOT( updateMyList() ), Qt::QueuedConnection ); 

of the pqProxy proxy, but  now we use vtkSMProxy which does not have a 
producerChanged signal, any suggestions?


Gerald Lodron
Researcher of Machine Vision Applications Group
DIGITAL - Institute for Information and Communication Technologies
JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Steyrergasse 17, 8010 Graz, AUSTRIA
phone:   +43-316-876-1751   
general fax: +43-316-876-1751
web: http://www.joanneum.at/digital
e-mail: gerald.lod...@joanneum.at

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