Re: Add support for *clip.exe* for Bash on Ubuntu on Windows

2017-07-26 Thread Lars Flitter
Hi, how about an environment variable where a "platform" file can be specified? It would not work out of the box as it needs configuration, but this way we can avoid hacks for windows and also allow users to make some customizations like using different clip tools. Regards, Lars On

Re: Add support for *clip.exe* for Bash on Ubuntu on Windows

2017-07-26 Thread Kenny Evitt
Here's the output of the command you asked me to run: ``` kenny@KEVITT-P3620:~$ for i in a s n r v m p i o; do echo -n "uname -$i: "; uname -$i; done uname -a: Linux KEVITT-P3620 4.4.0-43-Microsoft #1-Microsoft Wed Dec 31 14:42:53 PST 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux uname -s: Linux uname -n: