My apologies -- this message was sent in error.

On 25/11/17 17:56, Alec Clews wrote:
Thanks for the suggestion. However it had no affect.

    /usr/local/bin/pandoc --number-sections -s -smart -f markdown+startnum BlogPost.pmd -o BlogPost.docx
    [WARNING] Deprecated: --latexmathml

Could this be a bug?

I am happy to supply input markdown file.

On 24/11/17 21:49, Till Schäfer wrote:
you can  also just use the show command and pipe it through the standard tool chain of your shell. If you are using X, you can then pipe it to the X clipboard via xclip.

pass show XYZ | head -n 1 | tr -d '\n' | sed 's/ //g' |  xclip -selection clipboard

A little bit formatting noise, but it works. It would be nice to directly specify the line, which should be shown by pass show.


Am Donnerstag, 23. November 2017, 23:42:26 CET schrieb Greg Minshall:
hi.  pass make me very happy -- thanks very much!

my basic, silly, use case, is credit card numbers.  i like to store them
with spaces separating groups of 4 digits ("1234 5678 9012 3456"), but
web sites typically want them space-free.  so, in *this* case, i'd like
to pass them through "sed 's/ //g'" on the way to the clipboard.

in general, it might be nice to allow some arbitrary filter to be
inserted, maybe where "pass" is set in cmd_show?  (where it would apply
with or without -c.)  (though some more specific thing, like an option
to exclude spaces, would likely be more secure, so...)

i don't think that can be done as an add-on (without duplicating all of
cmd_show, i'd guess).

cheers, and again thanks, Greg Minshall
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Alec Clews
Personal <>             Melbourne, Australia.
Jabber:             PGPKey ID: 0x9BBBFC7C

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