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Date: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 14:56:43 +0000
From: "jabumakha...@yahoo.com" <jabumakha...@yahoo.com>
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There have been so many suggestions on unity attempts in the PAC but wh=
at l can assure my comrades is the fact that disunity in the party is n=
ot an incident but a deliberate plan to personally satisfy certain indi=
viduals. Unity will never be achieved until this aspect has been dealt =
with. Someone would be dreaming to expect Letlapa and Narius to meet fo=
rsake of unity. These two characters have no organisational ambitions b=
ut they seek to build their personal empires. Even if unity can be brok=
ered, these individuals will remain obsolete in the organisation. The o=
nly solution is to completely get rid of them.     =20

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