Comrade Chargein

The formation of APC and PAM is as a response by PAC members who were not
happy about the leadership style of Mphahlele Letlapa, not necessary due to
the PAC ideological shift. Therefore, dual membership will make no
difference to solve PAC problems, My simple advice is that you and many
other former PAC members  who formed PAM and APC should return to the PAC
and help solving the problems facing the PAC.  PAM has not done any serious
political interventions in the whole country.

By leaving PAC to PAM you did exactly what Mphahlele wanted, which he used
and people like Bishop Toboti used espacilly when you Thami Plaatjie left
PAC to form PAMand later joined ANC. Now, part of the challenge is all this
aimed at attacking and destroying the PAC, by content and desire there is
no difference between Plaatjie and Mphahlele, since all of them serve
and advance the interestss of the neo-colonial system. the other side of
the argument it is equal to saying PAM comrades ran away instead of facing
the problems confronting PAC.

Izwe lethu, son of the soil


On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 11:19 AM, Chargein Mabaso <>wrote:

> Comrades,
> Many people are wondering when the unholy marriage of convenience among
> the Tripartite Alliance partners (ANC, COSATU and SACP) will come to an end
> one day. After the Marikana developments, many political commentators
> expected COSATU congress to resolve to either deliver divorce papers to the
> ANC or at the least demand the change of leadership at the coming December
> ANC Conference at Mangaung. They may now be wondering why it is not the
> case.
> The truth is one. ANC is nothing without the Tripartite Alliance,
> especially COSATU. ANC leaders knew this fact long ago when they decided to
> form the Alliance. They know one thing that no serious-minded political can
> rule South Africa without exercising political influence (hegemony) over
> the unions, civic movements, professional bodies, NGOs, churches, etc. They
> learn this fact from Soviet Hegemony, Gramsci's view on hegemony, US
> dominance, etc. ANC understood very early the power of dual membership in a
> political terrain. The same is true of Democratic Alliance (DA). As we
> know, DA is a product of the alliance (unity) between the DP and NP,
> possible Solidarity playing secretly the role of COSATU for the DA . The
> two parties came to understand the power of unity / alliance of the
> like-minded in the current terrain of struggle in our country. They called
> for the realignment of all counterrevolutionary forces to contest power
> against the reformist Tripartite Alliance. But, Pan Africanists, socialist
> formations and BC forces are the exception to the rule. They do not believe
> to the idea of unity or alliance politics. May be our attitude explains the
> reason we marginalized in the new political dispensation. We all became
> minority parties out of our own choice.
> Take an example of Julius Malema who is enjoying the support of mine
> worker as we speak. He has been articulation our position on our behalf
> because he sees the political vacuum left behind by the PAC in the New
> Democracy. He is exploiting it, for good or bad reasons. Many people told
> us time and again that voters do not want land and nationalization of the
> commanding heights of our economy. They want only jobs but not land and
> equitable distribution of wealth in this country. They said PAC must tone
> down. Letlapa's project is intended to do just that. They said voters want
> PAC to discard its Basic Documents. But, Marikana developments proved them
> wrong.
> Ma-Afrika, Cde Letlapa and his cronies are working for our enemies and
> rivals, consciously or unconsciously. They are conscious and unconscious
> Charterists who are working day and night to silence PAC for good at the
> time when it is needed mostly. Today, voters have no alternative to go to
> because the work of the current PAC leaders. They want to bury the PAC
> alive. Just imagine what will happen to PAC after the Butterworth Congress.
> For the coming 5 - 10 years, there is possibility that PAC will remain
> where it is or get worse.
> The question that many PAC members must ask themselves is: What is to be
> done? The latest developments forces all Pan Africanists to stop folding
> arms and wait for coming congresses. We must do whatever we can with what
> we now have in our disposal. True revolutionaries cannot remain static.
> They must  be dynamic and position themselves strategically as developments
> inform them. I know there those who will say they are active on the ground
> and quote visits to Marikana and other programs. Without acting as a party
> is self-defeating. Unless you are like Malema. If he loses at Mangaung, he
> cannot waiting for five years for another ANC conference. If he does, he
> will lose the momentum. He has no choice but to form another party. The
> same is true of those PAC forces who working hard within PAC against
> Letlapa. Those who will form parallel structure will banned from using PAC
> logo and expelled by Letlapa faction like he did to us. Many comrades are
> asking themselves one question: Then, what is to be done under these
> difficulty conditions? We love PAC with all our hearts and minds.
> One PAC cadre phoned me some time ago wanting to know PAM position on dual
> members. Does PAM allow either its members to be also PAC members or PAC
> members to be PAM members at the same time bearing in mind the fact that
> the policies of both parties are the same on paper? At that time, I
> remember, I said no. After Butterworth congress I revisited my response and
> said to myself PAM needs to address this burning issue bearing in mind
> Clause 3 of 1959 PAC Constitution on Membership which reads as follows:
> " a)     Any African who is of the age of 16 years or above and accepts
> the principles, programme and discipline ofthe P.A.C shall be eligible for
> membership, provided that:
> (i)           He/She is not a member of any political organization whose
> policy is inconsistent with that of the P.AC <>.
> (ii)         The National Executive Committee shall from time to time
> determine whether a certain organisation is inconsistent with the cause of
> the P.A.C."
> This clause was erased from PAC Constitution after Thohoyando Congress.
> Under the current conditions of PAC quarantine, this clause Sobukwe's inner
> circle wrote in the PAC Constitution is needed. We must remember how we
> launched PAM in 1989. PAC President, Zeph Mothopeng, instructed us to
> launch PASO and PAM as internal wings of PAC in addition to AZANYU. He said
> he was the only one who was allowed by the racist regime to stand on any
> platform as a PAC member. We were not allowed. As a result, we disbanded
> PAM after the unbanning of PAC. Zeph was smarter than the Boers. His plan
> worked well as he did on June 16. He saw the need for PASO and PAM.
> Ma-Afrika, I am raising all these points in a hurry to say, under the
> current conditions, what is your opinion of dual membership for PAC, PAM
> and even NACTU ? Will such a move take the struggle forward and prove our
> enemies, rivals and their agents wrong in their infiltration of the Pan
> Africanist fold? I want your input in this regard, positively or
> negatively. Let's be objective in our response, not subjective. I cannot
> freely say the same for APC with their slogan "Amandla Ngawethu!. But, I
> know there are Pan Africanists in their midst too.
> Izwe Lethu!
> Cde MCharge
> .
> --
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