2010-04-20 Thread Mawande Jack
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The following paper, entitled "IS AIDS BIOLOGICAL WARFARE" was sent

to me by Dr. Strecker who has no access to computer networks for the

explicit purpose of universal publication without charge or

consideration for the purpose of education only. Further

information is available as noted below. The remainder of this file

is by Dr. Strecker (John Winters - wint...@pdn.paradyne.com)




Thank you for requesting this information. We have a story to tell

you, a very strange story, one that affects you, me, and every other

human being on earth. A story that must be taken seriously by the

governments of every nation in the world because there may not be

many humans left to govern by the turn of the century, or shortly

thereafter. A story so bizarre, and so sinister that, if it were

not for the fact that it is all true, it would make a great science

fiction thriller. (Interestingly enough, Lorimar Pictures of

Hollywood has purchased the rights to Dr. Strecker's life story.)

The story begins in 1983 with Dr. Robert B. Strecker, M.D., Ph.D.

Dr. Strecker practices internal medicine and gastroenterology in Los

Angeles. He is a trained pathologist and also holds a Ph.D. in

pharmacology. Dr. Strecker and his brother, Ted, an attorney, were

preparing a proposal for a health maintenance organization (HMO) for

Security Pacific Bank of California. They needed to know the long-

term financial effects of insuring and treating AIDS patients. In

as much as this information was not readily available in 1983, both

brothers began researching the medical literature to learn what they

could about this relatively new disease. The information they

uncovered right from the beginning was so startling to them, so hard

to believe, that it would dramatically alter both their lives and

lead them on a five year quest culminating with the creation of "The

Strecker Memorandum," the most controversial video tape of our time,

and a remarkable set of documents called "The Bioattack Alert."


Right there in the medical literature for anyone to read for

themselves was, basically, proof that the AIDS virus and pandemic

was actually PREDICTED years ago by a world famous virologist, among

others. They found that top scientists writing in the Bulletin of

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the World Health Organization were actually REQUESTING that AIDS

like viruses be created to study the effects on humans. In fact,

the Streckers unearthed thousands of documents all supporting the

manmade origin of AIDS.

Meanwhile, the government was telling everyone that a green monkey

in Africa bit some native and started AIDS. As their research

continued, it became obvious from the documentation that the virus

itself was not only created as requested, but actually DEPLOYED, and

now threatens the existence of mankind because it does what it was

designed to do: cause cancer in humans via a contagious virus.

Eventually the Streckers came to realize everything the government,

the so-called AIDS experts and media were telling the public was not

only misleading, but out and out lies. The truth of the

matter is:

AIDS is a manmade disease;

AIDS is not a homosexual disease;

AIDS is not a venereal disease;

AIDS can be carried by mosquitos;

Condoms will not prevent AIDS;

There are a least six different AIDS viruses loose in the world;

There will never be a vaccine cure;

And on and on, but...


The most dreaded fear that all oncologists (cancer doctors),

virologists, and immunologists live with is that some day CANCER, in

one form or another, will become a contagious disease, transferable

from one person to another. AIDS has now made fear a reality. If

you think you are safe because you are not gay or promiscuous, or

because you are not sexually active, then you must watch "The

Strecker Memorandum" very carefully.


The most common misconception being foisted upon us right now

concerns sexually active Americans. We are told that if a man uses

a condom the transference of the deadly virus is virtually

eliminated. Nothing could be further from the truth. Of the body

fluids that the AIDS virus is found in, semen is the least.

As a matter of fact, in every single study ever published on the

subject, no one has found a significant amount in anyone's semen.

It just isn't there in huge numbers. There is usually only about

one virus per milliliter, a statistically irrelevant amount. One

copious ejaculation might produce only one or two viruses. This is

substantiated in the medical literature.


2010-04-20 Thread Mawande Jack
Theories about HIV/Aids are so numerous but one thing strange about
these theories is that trade unionists especially with Cosatu,
left-leaning civil society formations, governments and liberal
formations often share the pharmaceutical sponsored and mainstream media
compliant perspective which ultimtely promotes the use of condoms and
anti-retrovirals. Costa Gazi with his AZT including dominant sections
within the party especially at the time of Mbeki appear to have
something in common with this group. But if one where to examine
literature and debates among Pan-Africanists in the US and the world
over one sees something different where the disease is seen as a western
imperialist genocidal programme against Africans, and nations in the
south ("third world"). Ironically, independent western medical experts,
who have undertaken numerous studies on this pandemic and found
themselves in conflict with especially the US administration because of
their research findings which came to be merely reduced into dissident
fringe scientists, seem to had reinforced the Pan-Africanist
denunciative posture against western Aryan conception of medicine,
treatment and cure. Interestingly though, socialist of different hues
seem to had followed the orthodox ARV stance although like unions tended
to clamour for a dispensation of universal access to affordable health
and medicine. What I'm not happy about the Pan-Africanist position as of
now is the racialisation of this health question, presented as a kind of
western bio-logical warfare to wipe out the inferior black races.
Pan-Africanists who advance a socialist analysis who believe that
western imperialists depend on cheap labour of Africans which is the
bedrock of the western economies could find no logic in this, as would
be inclined to dismiss it as mass hysteria. The history of mass chattel
slavery of the phase that preceded contemporary capitalism,
mercantilism, inspite of the genocidal proportions of this kind of
economic exploitation lays a theoretical basis of the kind of analysis
that must go into understanding HIV/Aids phenomenon in the era of
neo-colonialism and global capitalism. What basic assumptions can we
make when the issue of the global labour division of the world into
oppressor nations and oppressed nations as well as exploiter classes and
exploited classes are concerned. My view is that simple genocidal acts
fall within a Malthusian population control programme which sees an
exponential increase in world population while economic resources are
becoming scarcer. Relations between imperialists and Africa are dictated
by the economic logic of intensifying the exploitation of the continent
in terms of minerals, labour and markets. But when these assumptions are
stretched further in terms of the underlying capitalist profit motive,
provision of services, in this instance health becomes dictated by the
economies of scale of supply and demand, hence pharmaceuticals usurp
government health policies, direct health services in terms of their
drive for superprofits and ultimately sponsor and covertly engineer
programmes and state interventions that increases the number of people
at risk of dying through a host of pandemics. Health care measures
assume a kind of dichotomy, on the one hand exposing vast numbers of
people to common and deadly diseases yet contributing to that with
making available medicines that is both deadly in its effects yet
preventive and curative in theory. Mine is that we should not lose sight
of the way imperialism has ordered the world and continues to intensify
the plunder and dominance of our economies.
Izwe lethu!!   

Designer Diseases: AIDS as Biological & Psychological Warfare

Topic started on 18-6-2004 @ 10:48 AM by AboveTopSecret.com 


AIDS as Biological & Psychological Warfare
By Waves Forrest

Despite repeated denials from Defense Department officials, allegations
persist that AIDS is a genetically altered virus, which has been
deliberately released to wipe out homosexuals and/or non-whites in the
U.S. and reduce populations in third world countries. 

At first glance it seems like the epitome of paranoia to accuse the
military of conspiring to exterminate citizens of their own country, and
even some of their own troops. However, the vast majority of military
personnel could be completely unaware of such a plot in their midst,
while a relative handful of traitors in key positions could conduct it
under cover of classified operations. And the circumstantial evidence is
actually quite compelling, that the AIDS virus
  was artificially
engineered, and planted in several different locations at about the same
time through vaccination programs, and possibly blood bank

At a House Appropriations hearing in 1969, the Defense Department's
Biological Warfare (BW) division requested funds