Riots in North Africa, a call for African Head of States to reform or face 
Mduduzi Sibeko
08:33 PM

Dear Comrades :Seroke, Sebenzile and others

Current political unrests in Egypt and Tunisia present a watershed of the 
forceful unsetting of despotic rulers in Africa, Middle East and elsewhere in 
the Globe. It is not surprising, as it was earlier believed that globalization 
had the pros and cons in as far as governance is concerned. In the twenty first 
century, Nation States have completely lost their sovereignties. If the 
proliferation of international organizations in the preceding century 
challenged a Nation-State's sovereignty then Globalization has completely 
eroded it.  How do then Nation States inhibit Globalization ? is the shutting 
down of cell phones connections, telephone lines and internet including its 
attendants now known as social networking sites such as Facebook, twitter and 
so on, as we have seen in Egypt, going to countervail Globalization. My 
conviction to the foregoing question is no. for starters, let us unpack what is 
going on in North Africa and the Middle east.

The United States foreign policy is inimical for the world stability.

1.  Firstly, foreign policy is" the policy of a sovereign state in its 
interaction with other sovereign states "  this is how merriam-webster 
dictionary defines it. As this policy aims for the interaction of one 
Nation-States with other states, what is critical in this interaction is the 
protection of its national interests, such as national security and economic 
protection. There is therefore a symbiosis between national security and 
economic security. What do I mean by this. If the  National Security of one 
nation is compromised, then its economic security is at stake. Consider for 
example the events of September 11, that is, the bombing of twin towers at 
World Trade Center and the Pentagon in 2001. How did this affect the aviation 
industry of the USA and the investors' confidence ?If this is understood, it 
will explain why the USA embroiled itself in the cold war with the Soviet-Union 
for more than fifty years in arms race with a total expenditure of 6 trillion 
US dollars from 1953 to 1990.In an effort to indoctrinate  capitalism in the 
world which would latter benefits in own interests. The USA supported proxy 
wars in countries such as Afghanistan to withstand the Soviet influence in the 
early 1980's.Osama Bin-Laden was their main man in the standoff between the US 
and The Soviet Union. it also supported Saddam Hussein aggression towards Iran. 
With a fear of radical Islamist fundamentalists  which would take over State's 
resources to fight the West, the US has been sponsoring the host of groupings 
against its perceived enemies. With approximately more than 1 billion $, the US 
has been sponsoring the Egyptian military. This is not a free ride for  Hosni 
Mubarak who has ravaged his country for more than thirty years. His assumption 
of Arab leadership and a protection of Israel, which continues to this day to 
kill the defenseless people of Palestine and Syria, has earned him this 
financial support. The USA has hitherto supported Israel militarily. Today 
Israel is a Nuclear -power of the Middle East. Just consider Israel location, 
surrounded by Arabs left and Right, but no Nation States can eliminate Israel 
with its Military arsenal. The other threat of the US is the ascending of 
China, which has just outstripped Japan's second rating as an economic power. 
That is why the Obama administration was at pains to put pressure to  Hu 
 of China for human rights records and a Currency manipulation. The Yen is 
undervalued, goes the US argument. What about the Bailout plans of its Banking 
system. Why have they flooded more than 200 billion Dollars in their economy 
against the economics 101 teaching of demand and supply of money. If Human 
rights records mean anything to the US, the Obama administration would have 
long closed guantanamo bay which does not respect the Geneva Convention, the 
Taliban and Al qaeda fighters are never accorded the prisoner of war status. 
The US, even under Obama, has not up to this day ratified the Rome treaty 
establishing the international Criminal Court at the Hague. The fear is that 
the Court with International Jurisdiction would indict the US belligerents who 
are known for the violations of International law in as far the Treaty of 
Geneva and other successive are concerned. To compounding everything the US has 
shielded  Hosni Mubarak, despite, an ensuring putsch by more than a significant 
proportion of the populace. If we retrospect, the US is guilty for massive lost 
of lives and underdevelopment of Africa, in its rivalry with the Soviet Union, 
in order to fight the Angolan government which had the Cuban and Soviet 
Support, the US sponsored Dr. Jonas Savimbi to wrecked the countryside of 
Angola with Landmines. Today in Angola we have people without limbs. The 
history goes on and on endlessly. The gist of this writing is about an awe that 
I have for African leaders that are treating Africa as their personal 
properties. Do we really need leaders that rule indefinitely like Gaddafi and 
Mugabe. I know, the credentials of these leaders in the fight against 
colonialism is unrivalled. Gaddafi for example, continues to champion the 
course of the United States of Africa. Mugabe, on the other vein continues to 
defy western imperialism. Let's be realistic and pragmatic about realities of 
life. Has God given these leaders a divine rights not to be unseated ? Can we 
ascribe poverty and underdevelopment in their countries to their clinging to 
power for a long time.  I agree that it is not always democracy that yields 
economic prosperity, chiefly because in China, we don't have the Western 
version of Democracy, yet China thrives at an alarming rate. My concern here is 
that, we are likely, with these development in North Africa, going to see the 
resurgence of Revolution to leaders of Africa that do not want to relinquish 
power. Why do young Africans go to prestigious universities such as Cambridge, 
Princeton and others in the West to acquire the best education and come back to 
be ruled by the leaders that liberated their forefathers. Are we here in Africa 
not accepting fresh ideas. I tell you, where I work, I have people that have 
traditional ways of doing things, as a result their directives are divine, that 
is, unchallengeable. A change in paradigm in Africa is needed. Lets us change 
to keep up with the World. I plead that we must not support leaders for life in 
our Continent which is rich in natural resources. Let us support the 
development of New Technology in Science, Medicine and other discipline to put 
Africa abreast with the World.

Mduduzi Sibeko
T +27-11-724-9281
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